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▶ 정답 374쪽 참조

              11 I As a result of the disaster in the   16 I For your reference, you are eligible
                       , clean up efforts are        for a twenty-percent    on
                 expected to cost the government     your next purchase.
                                                     (A) challenge   (B) discount
                 (A) use      (B) signal             (C) complaint   (D) cash
                 (C) area     (D) code
                                                 17 I The vice president of operations   DAY 01
              12 I Please     the enclosed           did an adequate job to
                 survey and return it to our office.  the residents’ concerns about
                 (A) schedule   (B) complete
                 (C) proceed   (D) designate         (A) address   (B) depend
                                                     (C) deal     (D) delegate
              13 I Please     us as soon as
                 you receive the package because   18 I Anyone making a(n)    to
                 we’ve had problems with this        these premises must first sign in at
                 logistics company before.           the security desk and show a form
                                                     of ID.
                 (A) connect   (B) say
                 (C) contact   (D) discuss           (A) itinerary   (B) investment
                                                     (C) delivery   (D) delay
              14 I If you are unable to    the
                 staff function on Friday night,   19 I The Finance Department has
                 please let Anne Ling know at once.         updated its computer
                                                     system to streamline the payment
                 (A) participate  (B) attend
                 (C) enroll   (D) approve            process.
                                                     (A) previously   (B) recently
              15 I There has been an    in the       (C) extremely   (D) highly
                 number of shoppers who use their
                 debit cards to make purchases.  20 I Ms. Lee gave a comprehensive
                                                            on solar power technology
                 (A) increase   (B) preference
                 (C) manual   (D) arrangement        that lasted well over 90 minutes.
                                                     (A) service   (B) presentation
                                                     (C) combination (D) location

                                                                    Week 01 ː DAY 01 ː    29
   16   17   18   19   20   21