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4   ࠗࢎח ৮੹ೠ ޙ੢ ׮਺ী ৬ࢲ زࢎܳ ࣻधೠ׮

                  Clara wants a restaurant that serves good food but has a bit of ambience as well.
                  ௿ۄۄח ഴܯೠ ਺धਸ ઁҕೞ૑݅ ডр੄ ࠙ਤӝب ы୸ ۨझషیਸ ਗೠ׮

                STEP 2     ੉ۧѱ ಽযۄ

                 Direct Staffing is ------- recognized as a leading provider of qualified temporary
                 accounting experts for companies throughout the country.

                 (A) wider            (B) widely         (C) widened         (D) widening

                 ಴അ ੿ܻ    be recognized as _۽ ੋ੿߉׮  _۽ ੋधغ׮   leading ࢶب੸ੋ  ੉Սח   qualified ੗Ѻਸ ы୸   temporary ੐द੄   expert ੹ޙо
                       widely ևѱ   widened ևয૓   widening ഛ؀  ഛ੢  ഛ؀غח
                    ೧ࢳ  ٣۩౟ झకೝ ࢎח ੹Ҵী Ѧ୛ ӝসী ੗Ѻ ੓ח ੐द૒ ഥ҅ ੹ޙоܳ ઁҕೞח ࢶف স୓۽ օܻ ੋ੿߉Ҋ ੓׮

                 ೧ࢸ  ೠ ױযо ׮নೠ ഋక۽ ੉ܖয૓ যഋ ޙઁ۽  ࠼஢਷ CFزࢎ৬ җѢ࠙ࢎ۽ ੉ܖয૓ ࣻزక ҳޙী ٜযоח ࠗࢎ੄ ੗ܻ
               ੉׮  ݢ੷  "  XJEFSח ࠺Үәੋؘ  ޙ੢ীח ࠺Үәҗ ো҅غח ಴അ੉ হ׮   # ח ࠗࢎ੉޲۽ ࣻزక੄ CFزࢎ৬ җѢ࠙ࢎ ࢎ੉ী ٜ
               যоӝী ੸೤ೞ׮   $ ৬  % ب ಿࢎ੄ ࢿѺ࢚ ࠼஢ী ٜযт ࣻ হ׮
               (A) wider XJEF੄ ࠺Үә                 (B) widely ࠗࢎ
               (C) widened XJEFO੄ җѢ  җѢ࠙ࢎ         (D) widening ݺࢎ  അ੤࠙ࢎ
                                                                                             ੿׹  #

                STEP 3     ഛप൤ ׮ઉۄ

               1. When we cannot attend a seminar          3. The train station can ------- be reached
               hosted by our powerful external partners,   by subway, bus, or car in about an hour.
               it is very important to refuse the official
                                                           (A) easy            (B) easily
               invitation -------.
                                                           (C) ease            (D) easiness
               (A) respect        (B) respecting
               (C) respectful     (D) respectfully
                                                           4. The selection at John Sykes is primarily
                                                           quality costume jewelry, but we -------
               2. It is important to distribute a meeting   feature traditional pieces.
               agenda ------- in advance to allow time for
                                                           (A) therefore       (B) or
               the attendees to do the necessary planning.
                                                           (C) so              (D) also
               (A) well           (B) good
               (C) best           (D) soon

                                                                                            Ü ੿׹   ଃ
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