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P. 17

ઁ৻   aside from   apart from                     _ਸ ઁ৻ೞҊ
                   নࠁ   in spite of                                 _ীب ࠛҳೞҊ
                   ઑѤ   in case of   in the event of                _੄ ҃਋ী
                   ࠗо   in addition to                              _ী ؊೧ࢲ
                   ਤ஖   ahead of / in front of                      _੄ খী
                   ӝఋ   regardless of / instead of                  _ী ࢚ҙহ੉   _ ؀नী

                STEP 2     ੉ۧѱ ಽযۄ

                 When Ms. Joiner fell ------- the other runners, no one thought she would catch up and
                 win the race.
                 (A) behind           (B) among          (C) ahead of        (D) near

                 ಴അ ੿ܻ   fall behind _ࠁ׮ ٍ୊૑׮   catch up ٮۄ੟׮   win the race ۨ੉झীࢲ ਋थೞ׮   ahead of _ࠁ׮ খࢲࢲ

                    ೧ࢳ   ઑ੉ց ॿо ׮ܲ ઱੗ٜী ٍ୊઎ਸ ٸח Ӓ֗о ݽف ٮۄ੟ই ۨ੉झীࢲ ਋थೞܻۄҊ ইޖب ࢤпೞ૑ ޅ೮׮

                 ೧ࢸ  ੹஖ࢎ ١੉ ઁदػ ޙߨ ޙઁ۽  ࠼஢਷ زࢎ GFMMҗ ݾ੸য UIF PUIFS SVOOFST ࢎ੉ী ٜযт ੹஖ࢎ ੗ܻ੉׮  Ӓؘ۠ ࢶఖ
               ૑ ઺ী ࠼஢ খ੄ زࢎ GFMMҗ Ѿ೤ೡ ࣻ ੓ח ੹஖ࢎח GBMM CFIJOE _ࠁ׮ ٍ୊૑׮ ੄ ഋకܳ ੉ܖח  " ࡺ੉׮
               (A) behind ੹஖ࢎ  ࠗࢎ                  (B) among ੹஖ࢎ
               (C) ahead of ੹஖ࢎҳ                   (D) near ੹஖ࢎ  ഋਊࢎ  ࠗࢎ
                                                                                             ੿׹  "

                STEP 3     ഛप൤ ׮ઉۄ

               1. Since her retirement in May, Nina Lopez   3. One of the special gates is located
               has fully committed herself ------- caring for   ------- the dolphin-watching platform at the
               her birds.                                  Lacuna Aquatic Center in Porterville.

               (A) for            (B) to                   (A) down            (B) to
               (C) from           (D) on                   (C) near            (D) except

               2. After graduation, our students will be in   4. When manufacturing electronic
               a strong position when competing -------    components for automobiles, the
               high-tech jobs.                             cleanliness of the factory is ------- the
                                                           utmost importance.
               (A) except         (B) into
               (C) along          (D) for                  (A) in              (B) of
                                                           (C) upon            (D) by

                                                                                            Ü ੿׹   ଃ
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