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        DAY 10       ੹஖ࢎ੄ ੗ܻ                                                       ݒഥ ಣӐ     ѐ

                                                                                       ష݄ъ੄ 5&6-1

           STEP 1      ѐ֛ਸ ੊ഃۄ

           1   ੹஖ࢎח Ӓ ٍী ݺࢎ ഑਷ ݺࢎഋ݅੉ ٮۄ աৡ׮

             Any pertinent fire or rescue information should be conveyed to the Fire Department.
             ݽٚ ҙ۲ػ ച੤ ߂ ҳઑ ੿ࠁח ࣗߑࢲী ੹׳غযঠ ೠ׮

              ↟  ੹஖ࢎ৬ ݺࢎ ࢎ੉ী ݺࢎܳ Բݴ ઱ח ഋਊࢎо աয়ӝب ೠ׮  ٮۄࢲ ੹஖ࢎ ٍী ߄۽ ഋਊࢎо ա৳׮Ҋ ೧ࢲ য়׹੉
               ۄ ౸ױೞ૑ ঋب۾ ਬ੄೧ঠ ೠ׮
                After a successful presentation, I had dinner with my teammates.
                աח ࢿҕ੸ੋ ߊ಴ܳ ݃஘ റ ౱ਗٜҗ ഥधਸ ೮׮

           2   CFGPSF  BGUFS  VOUJM  TJODFח ੹஖ࢎ৬ ੽ࣘࢎী ݽف ॳੋ׮

             It will be finished before the opening date of the entire bridge.   ੹஖ࢎ   ݺࢎҳ
             ǟ੹஖ࢎǟӒѤ ੹୓ Ү۝੄ ѐా զ૞ ੹ী ݃ޖܻؼ Ѫ੉׮
             The application must be signed before it is submitted.   ੽ࣘࢎ   ઱য   زࢎ   _
             ǟ੽ࣘࢎǟ૑ਗࢲח ઁ୹غӝ ੹ী ࢲݺ੉ غযঠ ೠ׮

           3   ؀಴੸ੋ ੹஖ࢎ৬ ੹஖ࢎҳ

               ੄޷        ੹஖ࢎ               ڷ              ੄޷         ੹஖ࢎ              ڷ
                   in / at           _ী                        without           _о হ׮ݶ
                   during            _ زউ   ࢚ട  ࢎѤ             given   considering  _ਸ Ҋ۰೧ࠅ ٸ
                   for               _ زউ   दр  ӝр             to                _ө૑  _ਸ ೱ೧
                   before            _ ੹ী                      from              _۽ࠗఠ
               दр  after / following  _ റী                     past              _ਸ ૑աࢲ ਤ஖
                   past              _ਸ ૑աࢲ दр                 along             _ਸ ٮۄ
                   by / until        _ө૑                       through           _ਸ Ѣ୛  _ਸ ా೧
                   on (+ V-ing)      _ೞ੗݃੗ ҍ                   across            _ਸ о۽૕۞
                   since             _ ੉ې۽                ࠗо   besides           _ ৻ী
                   except (for) / but (for)  _ਸ ઁ৻ೞҊ           near              _ Ӕ୊ী
               ઁ৻  excepting         _ਸ ઁ৻ೞݶ                   behind            _੄ ٍী
                   without           _ হ੉                      above             _੄ ਤী
               নࠁ  despite           _ীب ࠛҳೞҊ                  under             _੄ ইېী
               ߧਤ  within            _ ੉ղী                ӝఋ   for               _ਸ ਤ೧  _ী ؀೧

               ੄޷                     ੹஖ࢎ                              ڷ
               ੉ਬ  because of / owing to / due to /  on account of  _ ٸޙী
               хࢎ  thanks to                                   _ ؋࠙ী

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