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P. 7

ⱙ᦬Ꮘ   ᤼᭴ ₔ୼
            ਧट ॿо ૑դ઱ী ߕ௢ߡ۽ ځդ ઴ ঌও׮Ҋ ঌҊ ੓ח ࢎपਸ ੹ೞח ಣࢲޙ੉׮  ࢎपਸ ੹׳ೞח ಣࢲޙ੉޲۽ ӛ੿੉ա ࠗ੿ೞח
            ׹߸  ୶о ੿ࠁܳ ઁदೞѢա ਃҳೞח ׹߸ਸ ৘࢚ೞݴ ٛח׮

                         அᕐ ᘔ᦭
             "  ૕ޙীࢲ աৡ MFGU৬ ౵ࢤয ҙ҅ੋ MFBWFܳ ੉ਊೠ ೣ੿੉׮
             #  ৌର ࣗਃ दрী ؀ೠ ঱әਵ۽ )PX MPOH ੄ޙޙী ੸೤ೠ ؀׹੉׮

                        ☤Ґ ₥ᖄ €᭬
            ੉޷ ځդ ઴ ঌও׮ח ݈ী ࢎप਷ ҅ദ੉ ஂࣗغ঻׮ݴ ੿ഛೠ ੿ࠁܳ ઁदೞח  $ о ੿׹੉׮

                ೣ੿ ࠙ࢳ  ૕ޙীࢲ MFGUܳ ٛҊ ਧट ॿо ੗ܻী হ਺ਸ ࢤп೧  " ۽ ഁтܾ ࣻ ੓׮  ೞ૑݅ ૑դ઱ী ځդ ઴ ঌও׮ח ݈݅ਵ۽ח թӝ۰ח ݫद૑о ੓
            ח૑ ঌ ࣻ হਵ޲۽  " ח ׹੉ ؼ ࣻ হ׮
                                                                                           ੿׹  $

               STEP 3   ࠼୹ ಴അ

            ↟  ࢎप ੹׳ ⊝ ୶о ੿ࠁ ਃҳ
              Sorry, only those with tickets are allowed here.  ޷উೞ૑݅  ಴ܳ ыҊ ੓ח ٜ࠙݅ ੉Ҕী ੑ੢੉ ೲਊؾפ׮
                 Is it a new policy? ࢜ ߑஜੋоਃ
              I heard the conference’s been postponed.  ഥ੄о োӝع׮Ҋ ٜ঻যਃ
                 Oh, when’s the new date?  ই  ࢜۽ ੟൦ զ૞о ঱ઁ৘ਃ

            ↟  ޙઁ ࢚ട ઁद ⊝ ೧Ѿ଼ ઁद
              I need the updated expense report.  ੷ח ୭न ࠺ਊ ࠁҊࢲо ೙ਃ೧ਃ
                 You can find it online. ৡۄੋਵ۽ ࠅ ࣻ ੓যਃ
              I can’t find a new sample around here.  ੉ Ӕ୊ীࢲ ࢜ ࢠ೒ਸ ଺ਸ ࣻо হ֎ਃ
                 Why don’t you check your briefcase? ׼न੄ ࢲܨоߑਸ ഛੋ೧ࠁח ѱ যٸਃ
              I think the warranty on my camera expired.  ઁ ஠ݫۄ੄ ಿ૕ ࠁૐࢲо ݅ܐػ Ѫ эইਃ
                 Would you like me to check for you? ઁо ഛੋ೧ ܾ٘өਃ
            ↟  ਃ୒   ઁউ ⊝ ӛ੿੄ ׹߸
              I have to leave early tomorrow for a dental appointment.  ஖җ ૓ܐ ৘ড ٸޙী ղੌ ੌନ աоঠ ೧ਃ
                 I can take notes at the meeting. ഥ੄ ٸ ݫݽܳ ೧لѱਃ
              We should review our proposal for the meeting at the headquarters.  ࠄࢎীࢲ ৌܻח ഥ੄ܳ ਤ೧ ਋ܻ ઁউࢲܳ Ѩష೧ঠ ೧ਃ
                 Yes, when should we meet? ֎  ঱ઁ ݅զөਃ

               STEP 4   োण ޙઁ                                                             2-1-2.mp3

            1.  (A)     (B)     (C)                   2.  (A)     (B)     (C)

            3.  (A)     (B)     (C)                   4.  (A)     (B)     (C)
                                                                                         Ü ੿׹    ଃ

   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12