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               3         8IFO ੄ޙޙ                                 ୹ઁ ࠼ب   ݒഥ ಣӐ    ѐ

               STEP 1   ޙઁ ਬഋ ࠙ࢳ

            8IFO ੄ޙޙ਷ ࢎۈ੄ ୹ߊ ب଱ द੼  ޛѤ੄ ߓ࣠ ࣻ۸ द੼  সޖա ҕࢎ੄ द੘ ઙܐ द੼  ࢚੼੄ ѐ੼ ತ੼ द
            ੼  ഥ੄ա ߊ಴੄ द੘ ઙܐ द੼  ࢲܨܳ ݃х ઁ୹ೞח द੼  ࢲ࠺झա ࠁ࢚ਸ ੉ਊೡ ࣻ ੓ח द੼੉ա ݅ܐغח द
            ੼ ١ द੼ਸ ޚח ૕ޙٜ੉ աৡ׮  ੉ী ؀ೠ ׹߸ਵ۽ח җѢ द੼ࠁ׮ ޷ېܳ ੄޷ೞח ղਊ੉ ݆੉ ୹ઁػ׮

            ¥ ޷ې द੼ ಴അ
              When does the vice president leave for Seoul?  ࠗࢎ੢ש਷ ঱ઁ ࢲ਎۽ ځաदաਃ
             ⊝ Soon, I think.  ҍ ځաप Ѫ੉ۄ ࢤп೧ਃ
             ⊝ After lunch.  ੼बधࢎ ੉റীਃ
             ⊝ Next Tuesday.  ׮਺ ઱ ചਃੌীਃ

             ⊝ Within two days.  ੉ౣ উীਃ
             ⊝ In about a month.  ؀ۚ ೠ ׳ റীਃ
             ⊝ One hour from now.  ૑Әࠗఠ ೠ दр റীਃ
             ⊝ Between 10 and 11.    दীࢲ   द ࢎ੉ীਃ

            ¥ ޷ې द੼ী ؀ೠ Ҋդ੉ب ಴അ
              When do we expect to get reimbursed for our defective products?  ࠛ۝ಿী ؀ೠ ࠁ࢚ਸ ঱ઁ ߉ਸ ࣻ ੓ਸөਃ
             ⊝ Not until Friday.  Әਃੌীਃ
             ⊝ By the end of the month.  ੉ߣ ׳ ݈ө૑ਃ
             ⊝ Anytime after Monday.  ਘਃੌ ੉റ ঱ઁٚ૑ਃ
             ⊝ By ten o’clock at the latest.  ןযب   दө૑ਃ
             ⊝ Sometime next week.  ׮਺ ઱ ઺ীਃ

               STEP 2   ੉ۧѱ ಽযۄ                                                           2-3-1.mp3

               (A)     (B)     (C)

               When will our new product demonstration   नઁಿ दোഥח ঱ઁ द੘ೞաਃ
                                                          "  ֎  ਋ܻח ӒҔী ੿दী ب଱ೡ ࣻ ੓যਃ
               (A) Yes, we can get there on time.         #  ஶ߮࣌ ࣃఠ Ӕ୊ীࢲਃ
                                                          $  ੼बधࢎ ੉റীਃ
               (B) Near the convention center.
               (C) After lunch.

               ಴അ ੿ܻ    product demonstration ઁಿ दোഥ   on time दрী ݏ୾, ੿пী

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