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               4         ࠗо ੄ޙޙ                                   ୹ઁ ࠼ب   ݒഥ ಣӐ    ѐ

               STEP 1   ޙઁ ਬഋ ࠙ࢳ

            ࠗо ੄ޙޙ਷ ಣࢲޙ ٍী ࠢযࢲ ಣࢲޙ੄ ղਊਸ ഛੋೞח ৉ೡਸ ೠ׮  ࠗо ੄ޙޙ݅ ٜਵݶ ಣࢲޙ੄ ઱য৬ दઁ
            ܳ ౵ঈೡ ࣻח ੓૑݅ ੄޷ܳ ౵ঈೡ ࣻ হ׮  ಣࢲޙਸ ֬஖૑ ঋҊ ٜযࢲ ղਊਸ ੉೧ೞח Ѫ੉ ઺ਃೞ׮  ࠗо ੄
            ޙޙী ؀ೠ ׹߸ਵ۽ח ӛ੿ೞח ੄Ѽ੉ա ࠗ੿ೞח ੄Ѽ  р੽੸ਵ۽ ݈ೞח ׹߸੉ ୹ઁػ׮

            ¥ ӛ੿੸ ׹߸
              Ms. Anderson has just started in the personnel department, hasn’t she?
              ঙ؊ट ॿח ݄ ੋࢎҗীࢲ Ӕޖೞӝ द੘೮যਃ  Ӓۧ૑ ঋաਃ
             ⊝ That’s right.  ݏইਃ
             ⊝ Yes, I think she has.  ֎  Ӓ۠ Ѫ эইਃ

            ¥ ࠗ੿੸ ׹߸
              Jane finished the market analysis report, right?  ઁੋ ॿח द੢࠙ࢳ ࠁҊࢲܳ ՘չભ  Ӓۧ૑ਃ
             ⊝ No, it’s not due yet.  ইַ  ই૒ ݃хदೠ੉ উ غ঻যਃ
             ⊝ No, she needs more time.  ইַ  Ӓ֗ח दр੉ ؊ ೙ਃ೧ਃ

            ¥ р੽੸ੋ ׹߸
              He received the latest update about the negotiations, didn’t he?
              Ӓо ഈ࢚ী ؀ೠ ୭Ӕ ࣗधਸ ੹׳߉ওભ  Ӓۧ૑ ঋաਃ
             ⊝ I’ll ask him.  Ӓীѱ ޛযࠅѱਃ
             ⊝ I haven’t heard yet.  ই૒ ٜ਷ ߄ হযਃ

               STEP 2   ੉ۧѱ ಽযۄ                                                           2-4-1.mp3

               (A)     (B)     (C)

               The new business proposals are due the   नӏ ࢎস ઁউࢲ੄ ݃хदೠ੉ ղੌ ݽۨભ  Ӓۧભ
               day after tomorrow, right?
                                                         "  ো୓ ૑ࠛী ҙ೧ࢲਃ
               (A) About an overdue payment.             #  ইַ  ݃хदೠ੉ ׮਺ ઱ ਘਃੌ۽ োӝغ঻যਃ
                                                         $  ֎  Ӓٜ਷ ࢜۽਍ ࢎসਸ द੘ೞӝ۽ ز੄೮যਃ
               (B)  No, the deadline has been extended to
                 next Monday.
               (C) Yes, they agreed to start a new business.

               ಴അ ੿ܻ    the day after tomorrow ղੌ ݽۨ   overdue payment ো୓ ૑ࠛ Ә    deadline ݃хदೠ   extend ো੢ೞ׮  טܻ׮   agree to do _ೞӝ۽

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