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0007  accomplish >ª–j˜›—”´@ ]                 ࢿஂೞ׮  ೧ղ׮
                    He has accomplished a lot in this field.
                                            Ӓח ੉ ࠙ঠীࢲ ݆਷ স੸ਸ ੉ܟয
                    I don’t know how to accomplish it.
                                              դ ӒѪਸ যڌѱ ೧ յ૑ ݽܰѷয
                                          ↟field ࠙ঠ  ↟how to   زࢎ _ೡ ߑߨ

      0008  accuse>ª–•xz¥@ ]                   ˝ ࠺դೞ׮  ˞ ӝࣗೞ׮
                    Are you accusing me of lying?  ૑Ә ղо Ѣ૙݈೮׮Ҋ ࠺դೞח Ѣঠ
                    He was accused of murder.     Ӓח ࢓ੋદ۽ ӝࣗعযਃ
                                     ↟accuse A of B Aܳ Bۄח ੉ਬ۽ ࠺դ<ӝࣗ>ೞ׮
                                ↟be accused of _۽ ӝࣗغ׮  ࠺դ ߉׮  ↟murder ࢓ੋ

      0009  achieve>ªµsz¡@ ]                      ׳ࢿೞ׮  ࢿஂೞ׮
                    He achieved success as a comedian.   Ӓח ௏޷٣঱ਵ۽ ࢿҕ೮য
                    She achieved her goal of becoming a singer.
                                           Ӓ֗ח оࣻо غѷ׮ח ݾ಴ܳ ੉ܖ঻য
                                               ↟success ࢿҕ  ↟goal ݾ಴

      0010  add >½@ ]                              ؊ೞ׮  ୶оೞ׮
                    Don’t add my name to the list.   ղ ੉ܴਸ ܻझ౟ী ৢܻ૑ ݃ࣁਃ
                    If it seems dry, add water.   ݃ܲ Ѫ эਵݶ ޛਸ ֍য ઱ࣁਃ
                                              ↟seem _ੋ Ѫ э׮  ↟dry ݃ܲ

      0011  admire >ª˜Æ”ª…@ ]                 ˝ ઓ҃ೞ׮  ˞ х఍ೞ׮
                    I admire the way you study English.
                                       դ ֎о ৔যܳ ҕࠗೞח ݽण੉ ੿݈ ઓ҃झ۞ਕ
                    We admired the view.           ਋ܻח ҃஖ী х఍೮য
                                                     ↟view ҃஖  ҃ҙ

          012 @ ৔যഥച ೙ࣻ ױয ޖ੘੿ ٮۄೞӝ
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