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0450 agreement >ª°szª@ ] ഈ ز
She nodded seriously in agreement.
Ӓ֗ח बਵ۽ Ҋѐܳ Ս؋ݴ ز೮
You can revise the agreement. It’s up to you.
ղਊ ࣻೡ ࣻ যਃ न ঌইࢲ ೧ਃ
↟nod in agreement زೞ ↟revise ࣻೞ ↟be up to _ী ׳۰
0451 aid >@ ] ਗઑ ਗ ب
They count on foreign aid. Ӓٜ ৻Ҵ ਗઑী ઓೞҊ য
He battled the disease with the aid of drugs.
Ӓח ড بਵ۽ ߽݃৬ ऱਛয
↟count on _ী ೞ ↟battle _৬ ऱ ↟disease ߽
0452 aim >@ ] ˝ ݾ ݾ ˞ ѹր ઑળ
How do you think we can achieve these aims?
যڌѱ ೞݶ ݾٜਸ ׳ࢿೡ ࣻ ਸө
He took aim and fired his gun into the sky.
Ӓח ୨ਸ ઑળೠ ೞטਸ ೱ೧ ߊࢎ೮য
↟take aim ઑળೞ ↟fire ࢎѺೞ ߊࢎೞ
0453 air >»
@ ] ˝ ҕӝ ߄ۈ ˞ ҕ ೲҕ
These tires need some air. ఋযী ߄ۈ ખ ֍যঠѷয
I saw him pumping his fist in the air.
աח Ӓо ݡਸ ೲҕী ൃفܰח Ѫਸ ࠌয
↟pump ਤইې۽ ൔٜ ↟fist ݡ ↟in the air ೲҕী
0454 alarm >ªjz
@ ] ˝ ҃ࠁӝ ҃ࠁ ˞ ࠛউ ҕನ
I couldn’t believe I hadn’t heard my alarm go off.
ղо ݺઙ ܻࣗܳ ޅ ٛפ Ӓѱ ݈ ظ
Her alarm was palpable. Ӓ֗о ࠛউ೧ ೞח ѱ וԑ بয
↟go off ߊೞ ܻ ↟palpable хೡ ࣻ ח ڢ۶ೠ
124 @ যഥച ࣻ ױয ޖ ٮۄೞӝ