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৔য৬ ਋ܻ݈ਸ о۰оݶࢲ ೟ण೧ ࠁࣁਃ

        0003  abuse >ª•xzž@ ]                  ˝ ೟؀ೞ׮  ˞ ಩঱ೞ׮
                      I heard he had been physically abused.          ୐૩݃׼
                                          աח Ӓо ਭ୓੸ਵ۽ ೟؀ܳ ߉ও׮Ҋ ٜ঻য
                      I was verbally abused.        աח ঱য ಩۱ਸ ׼೮য
                                    ↟physically ਭ୓੸ਵ۽  ↟verbally ݈۽  ҳف ༽ᄅ ۽

                খ ৘ޙ੄ ੄޷۽ח mistreat  bully  pick on ١੉ ੗઱ ࢎਊغݴ  ف ߣ૩ ৘ޙ੄
                ز੄য۽ח insult  call somebody names ١੉ ੓׮  ੽فয ab-ח away  যӔ -useח
                to use੄ ڷ੉׮

        0004  accept >ª–žp›Ÿ@ ]                    ߉ইٜ੉׮  ੋ੿ೞ׮
                      I accepted that I was wrong.   աח ղо ౣ۷਺ਸ ੋ੿೮য
                      Your credit card is not accepted.   नਊ஠٘о थੋ੉ উ ա֎ਃ
                                        ↟wrong ੜޅػ  ౣܽ  ↟credit card नਊ஠٘

        0005  accommodate >ª–j˜ªq”Ÿ@ ]   ˝ ࣻਊೞ׮  ˞  ਗೞח Ѫਸ  ߉ইٜ੉׮
                      The room can accommodate 50 people.
                                                  ߑ਷   ݺਸ ࣻਊೡ ࣻ ੓যਃ
                      We can’t accommodate everyone’s wishes.
                                         ਋ܻо ݽٚ ࢎۈٜ੄ ߄ۈਸ ٜয઴ ࣻח হযਃ
                                                    ↟wish ߄ۈ  ੄ب  ࣗݎ
        0006  accompany >ª–Š˜›ª™”@ ]      ˝ ز߈ೞ׮  ز೯ೞ׮  ˞ ߈઱ೞ׮
                      I was accompanied by him on the trip.
                                                   աח Ӓ৬ ৈ೯ী ز೯೮য
                      She sang, and I accompanied her on the piano.
                                    Ӓ֗ח ֢ېܳ ೮Ҋ աח ֢ېী ݏ୶য ೖই֢ ߈઱ܳ ೮য
                                               ↟accompany on _۽ ো઱ೞ׮

                                         %":    ೙ࣻ زࢎ  1   abandon – attempt @ 011
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