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क़֘ णॵ ঍ٶ्ľ

            ֢ې ࣘ ઱ਃ ಴അਸ ҕࠗ೤פ׮  ࢸݺਸ ੜ ੍Ҋ ৘ޙਸ ௾ ܻࣗ۽ ੍যࠁࣁਃ

                 01 What’s up?   ޖट ੌ੉ঠ

                       What’s up?਷ উࠗੋࢎܳ ೡ ٸ r߹ੌ হ૑ s੄ ׊ঔझ۽ ݆੉ ॳੑפ׮  ౠ൤ ஘ೠ ஘ҳա
                       ա੉ যܽ ࢎۈীѱ Ѻহ੉ ಞೞѱ ॶ ࣻ ੓ח ಴അ੉ীਃ  Ӓ ৻ী ׮নೠ ಴അب ੊ഃࠁ

                         What’s the problem?   ޖट ੌ੉ঠ
                         What’s the matter with you?   ց ޖट ੌ ੓য

                        What happened?   ޖट ੌ੉ঠ

                 02 I dropped my phone in the pool.   դ ࣻ৔੢ী ോ؀ಪਸ ڄযڰ۷য

                       drop੄ ׮নೠ ಴അਸ ҕࠗ೧ ࠊਃ  ޥоܳ ڄযڰ۷ਸ ٸ  rdrop somethingsਵ۽ աఋյ

                       ࣻ ੓যਃ  ೠಞ  rdrops ٍী rbysܳ ॳݶ r_ী ٜܰ׮sۄח ಴അ੉ ؾפ׮  ӒܻҊ ra drops
                       ਷ r ޛ ߑ਎sਸ ڷ೧ਃ

                        I dropped my pen under the desk.   դ ଼࢚ ইې۽ ಗਸ ڄযڰ۷যਃ
                        I’ll drop by your house again.   ց൞ ૘ী ׮द ٜܳѱ
                        He spilled a drop of water.   Ӓח ޛߑ਎ਸ ൗ۷যਃ

                 03 Let’s hang out.   ೣԋ য਎ܻ੗

                       rLet’s _ೞ੗ s৬ rhang out য਎ܻ׮  दрਸ ࠁղ׮ s੉ ೤୛૓ ಴അ੉ীਃ  ੉୊ۢ
                       rLet’s   زࢎਗഋsਵ۽ ࢚؀ߑীѱ r_ೞ੗sۄҊ ઁউೞח ݈ਸ ೡ ࣻ ੓যਃ

                         Let’s do our homework.   ਋ܻ ೣԋ ࣼઁೞ੗
                         Do you want to hang out with them?   ք Ӓٜҗ য਎ܻҊ रয

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