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P. 11

ঋڷ ॎ֏

                 ޙઁܳ ੍Ҋ ঌݏ਷ ׹ਸ ҊܰѢա ॳࣁਃ

                 ܝۭ ާľ

                 1. This song makes the listeners feel                         .              embarrassed  ׼ടೠ
                                                                                              calm  Ҋਃೠ  ಣৡೠ
                    a  angry        b  embarrassed       c  depressed  d  calm

                 ؛঳ ާľ

                 2. Mother Mary was standing                          him.

                    a  between      b  behind            c  next to       d  in front of

                 3. There is still a                  that shines on him.

                    a  light        b  silver            c  gold          d  river

                 4. ׮਺ ߃઴ ஘ ױয੄ ڷਸ Ҋܰࣁਃ

                     Though they may be parted, there will be an answer.
                    a  ੿೧૑׮         b  ೻য૑׮              c  ઱ରغ׮          d  ݅ա׮

                 5. ࠼஢ী ঌݏ਷ ױযܳ Ҋܰࣁਃ

                            The                  hearted people       ठ೓ী ਫ਼ӟ ࢎۈٜ

                    a  cold         b  broken            c  brave         d  warm

                 Ͼێ ٚԫ्ľ

                 6. ਷೯਷ ஠ಕ খী ੓যਃ

                       The bank is                                  the café.

                 7. ੉ ࣻস਷ द೷੉ ੓ਸ Ѣ৘ਃ

                                                        a test for this class.

                 8. ਋ܽ ъই૑ٜ੉ ૛ח ܻࣗী ਫ਼੉ ӵਃ

                       We wake up                                     puppies barking.

                                                                                            Unit 02  t  Let It Be     17
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