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क़֘ णॵ ঍ٶ्ľ

            ֢ې ࣘ ઱ਃ ಴അਸ ҕࠗ೤פ׮  ࢸݺਸ ੜ ੍Ҋ ৘ޙਸ ௾ ܻࣗ۽ ੍যࠁࣁਃ

                 04 She is standing right in front of me.   Ӓ֗ח ղ ߄۽ খী ࢲ ੓ભ

                       rin front ofsח r_খীsۄח ਤ஖ܳ աఋղח ಴അੑפ׮  ࣁ ױয۽ غয ੓૑݅ ೦࢚ ࠢয
                       ׮פח ױযٜ੉פ ೠ ױয୊ۢ ӝরೞࣁਃ

                         People are sitting in front of me.   ࢎۈٜ੉ ղ খী ঊই ੓যਃ
                         There is a car in front of the school.   ೟Ү খী ੗زର ೠ ؀о ੓যਃ

                 05 There will be an answer.   ׹੉ ੓ਸ Ѣ৘ਃ

                       rThere is There ares୊ۢ rThere   beزࢎsח r_੉ ੓׮sח ݈ੋؘ  rTheres ׮਺ী rwillsਸ
                       ॳݶ r_੉ ੓ਸ Ѫ੉׮sۄҊ ޷ېܳ աఋղח ಴അ੉ ظਃ  ઑزࢎ ٍীח زࢎਗഋ੉ ৬ঠ

                       ೞפ  rThere will be _.sо غח Ѫ੉ભ

                         There will be a chance of shower.   ࣗաӝо ৢ оמࢿ੉ ੓णפ׮

                         There will be a party.   ౵౭о ੓ਸ Ѣ৘ਃ

                 06 I wake up to the sound of music.   դ ਺ঈ ܻࣗী ਫ਼੉ ӵભ

                       ਫ਼ਸ ੗׮о যڃ ܻࣗী ֥ۄ ਫ਼ਸ ӵח ҃਋о ੓ਸ Ѣ৘ਃ  ੉୊ۢ ղо যڃ ܻࣗ ٸޙ
                       ী ਫ਼ਸ Ӽח૑ Ӓ ੉ਬܳ ݈ೡ ٸ  rI wake up to the sound of _.sܳ ॳݶ ظਃ

                        I woke up to the sound of a baby crying.   դ ইӝ ਎਺ܻࣗী ਫ਼੉ Ӽযਃ
                        He loves waking up to the sound of rain.   Ӓח ࡁܻࣗী ਫ਼ ӵח Ѧ ଵ જই೧ਃ

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