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46 When we think of oil, what country comes to your mind? t t 217
ࢳਬܳ ࢤпೞݶ যڃ աۄо ځয়ܰदաਃ
47 The ten grey colored buildings have been erected in Shanghai. t t 221
࢚ೞী ৌ ѐ ഥ࢝ Ѥޛ ࣁਕणפ
48 The first hamburger in a lab has been recently presented. t t 225
োҳपীࢲ ݅ٚ ߣ૩ ೫ߡѢо ୭Ӕী ࣗѐغणפ
ܻझ పझ ֔૩݃ प۱ Ѩ t t 229
ࢽ૩݃ ₀ ష 50&*$ ٛӝ
ইഖ૩݃٣ ↟ 1"35
49 How did the surgery go this morning? t t 233
য়ט ইஜী ࣻࣿ যڌѱ عաਃ
50 Lose weight slowly and sensibly. t t 237
ୌୌ ӒܻҊ അݺೞѱ ਸ ࡐࣁਃ
51 When do you think the bike will be ready to be picked up? t t 241
য়ష߄ܳ ઁତ ইт ࣻ ਸ Ѫ эਵࣁਃ
52 Mr. Kim’s office is on the right, opposite the staff kitchen. t t 245
ӣ ࢶࢤ ࢎޖप য়ܲଃী ਗਊ ߑ ݏಞী णפ
53 The first thing I want you to do is call Tom Jones. t t 249
ઁੌ ݢ ೧ঠ ೡ ੌ ઓझ ॿীѱ ചೞח Ѣਃ
54 I can imagine how excited you guys must be. t t 253
ց൞о ݃ա ٜڊਸ ঌ Ѫ эই
ܻझ Ե য ܻझী ب غח ਢࢎ ℇ t t 257
ৌ ૩ ݃٣ ↟ 1"35
55 The talk lasts approximately ten minutes. t t 259
ࢸݺ ࠙ ب Ѧ݀פ
56 Our next available representative will assist you. t t 263
োѾ оמೠ ࢚ਗীѱ োѾؾפ
57 These records will help us to make a case. t t 267
ӝ۾ٜ ܻ ೣਸ ੑૐೞח ؘ بਸ Ѣਃ
58 Exercise means a lot in various ways. t t 271
ز ৈ۞ ݶীࢲ ਃפ
59 The traffic report reveals slowdowns on Route 51. t t 275
Үా ࢚ടਸ ࠁפ ߣ ب۽ীࢲ غҊ णפ
60 We’re running two-for-one deals on Hapburn jeans. t t 279
ഀߣ ߄ ೯ࢎܳ ೯ ੑפ
ܻझ పझ ࢽ૩݃ प۱ Ѩ t t 283