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16  Which do you prefer, potluck or dinner parties?      t t 083
                                   ޤо ؊ જই  ౽۟ ౵౭ ইפݶ ٣ց౵౭
                               17  I’m so happy to have a long holiday.           t t 087
                                   োോо ӡযࢲ ੿݈ જই
                               18  Do you work the night shift or the day shift?      t t 091
                                   ծী Ӕޖೞࣁਃ ইפݶ ߎী Ӕޖೞࣁਃ
                               19  It’s already half past the lunch hour!         t t 095
                                   ߥॄ ੼बदрীࢲ ࢖भ ࠙੉ա ૑լਗ਼ই
                               20  I used to live in a big city.                  t t 099
                                   ੹ীח ؀بदী ࢓ওযਃ
                               21  Why don’t you start keeping a gratitude journal?      t t 103
                                   хࢎ ੌӝ ॳח Ѧ द੘೧ ࠁח Ѥ যٸ
                               22  I love to go running or jogging for an hour or so.     t t 107
                                   աח ೠ दр ੿ب ׳ܻѢա ࡅܰѱ ѥח Ѧ ই઱ જই೧
                               23  That looks really great on you!                t t 111
                                   ӒѢ ցೠప ই઱ ੜ য਎ܽ׮
                               24  Can you tell me what you cannot live without?      t t 115
                                   ք ޤ হ੉ח ޅ ࢓ѷח૑ ݈೧઴ې
                                  ܻझ׬ పझ౟   ل૩݃׼ प۱ ੼Ѩ                           t t 119

                  ࣇ૩݃׼ ₀ োࢸ ٛӝ

                      ֔  ૩  ݃٣ ↟ ੋࢤҗ Էী ҙೠ োࢸ
                               25  That is as true for work as it is for your lovers. - Steve Jobs     t t 123
                                   ׼न੉ ࢎیೞח ࢎۈীѱ ೞ٠  ੌب ݃ଲо૑ੑפ׮    झ౭࠳ ੟झ
                               26  The importance of silence in music - Sting     t t 127
                                   ਺ঈীࢲ ஜޗ੄ ઺ਃࢿ   झ౴
                               27  We have very very special qualities. - Dalai Lama     t t 131
                                   ਋ܻীѱח ই઱ ই઱ ౠ߹ೠ ੗૕੉ ੓णפ׮    ׳ۄ੉ ۄ݃
                               28  You’re general, but you’re also specific. - Toni Morrison     t t 135
                                   ׼न਷ ಣߧೞ૑݅  ژೠ ౠ߹ೠ ࢎۈੑפ׮    షפ ݽܻट
                               29 Create the highest, grandest vision possible. - Oprah Winfrey    t t 139
                                   о੢ ਤ؀ೞҊ о੢ ਗ؀ೠ Էਸ Բࣁਃ    য়೐ۄ ਦ೐ܻ
                               30  The future is not fixed; it’s fluid. - Bono     t t 143
                                   ޷ېח ੿೧૓ Ѫ੉ ইפۄ  ਬز੸ੋ Ѫੑפ׮    ࠁ֢
                               31  The dots will somehow connect in your future. - Steve Jobs     t t 147
                                   Ӓ ੼ٜ੉ ঱ઃоח ׮ োѾؼ ѩפ׮    झ౭࠳ ੟झ
                               32  So whatever you want to do, just do it. - Gloria Steinam     t t 151
                                   Ӓ۞פө ೞҊ र਷ Ѫ੉ যڃ Ѫ੉ٚ  Ӓր ೞࣁਃ    Ӗ۽ܻই झఋ੉ֈ
                                  ܻझ׬ Ե౲   ৔Ҵध ߊ਺ WT ޷Ҵध ߊ਺ ٛӝ                   t t 155
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