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׮ࢽ૩݃٣ ↟ ܻ؊भী ҙೠ োࢸ ٛӝ

                             33 You always get more out of service. - George W. Bush      t t 157
                                 ט ׼न੉ ࠉࢎೠ Ѫਵ۽ࠗఠ ؊ ݆਷ Ѫਸ ঳ѱ ؾפ׮    ઑ૑ 8  ࠗद
                             34  Certainty is no guarantee of freedom. - Madeleine K. Albright    t t 161
                                 ഛन੉ ੗ਬܳ ࠁ੢೧઱૑ח ঋणפ׮    ݒٜܽ ,  ৢ࠳ۄ੉౟
                             35 Yes, we can. - Barack Obama                      t t 165
                                 ޖट ݈ੑפө  ਋ܻח ೡ ࣻ ੓णפ׮    ߡۅ য়߄݃
                             36  We need both security and freedom. - Aung San Suu Kyi     t t 169
                                 উ੹җ ੗ਬо ل ׮ ೙ਃ೤פ׮    ইਔ ࢑ ࣻ ஖
                                 ܻझ׬ పझ౟   ࣇ૩݃׼ प۱ ੼Ѩ                          t t 173

                ֔૩݃׼ ₀ ׏झ ٛӝ
                   ৈࢽ૩݃٣ ↟ ޙച  ো৘  Ѥъ ׏झ

                                37  What causes a beer belly?                    t t 177
                                  ࣿߓח ৵ ࢤӝח Ѧөਃ
                                38  Fat, is actually not bad.                    t t 181
                                  ૑ߑ਷  ࢎप աࢂ Ѫ੉ ইתפ׮
                                39  Students gathered to create the 512 square meter mosaic.     t t 185
                                  ೟ࢤٜ੉    ɝ੄ ݽ੗੉௼ܳ ٜ݅ӝ ਤ೧ ݽ৓णפ׮
                                40  ABBA celebrated Eurovision win 40 years.     t t 189
                                  uই߄uо ਬ۞࠺੹ ਋थ    ઱֙ਸ ӝ֛೮णפ׮
                                 ܻझ׬ Ե౲   ೐یझীࢲ ৡ ৔য ߊ਺ ٛӝ                     t t 193

                   ੌғ૩݃٣ ↟ ੿஖  ࢎഥ ׏झ
                                41  A pilot recently delayed a flight for over two hours.      t t 195
                                  ୭Ӕী ೠ ઑઙࢎо ࠺೯ӝܳ ف दр ֈѱ ো଱दௌणפ׮
                                42  Taking online freedom too far                t t 199
                                  ੋఠ࢚֔੄ ੗ਬо ցޖ ૑ա஖׮
                                43  Tea Party followers generally oppose excessive taxation.      t t 203
                                  ౭ ౵౭ ୶ઙ੗ٜ਷ ੌ߈੸ਵ۽ җبೠ ࣁӘী ߈؀೤פ׮
                                44  UN peacekeepers are often called Blue Helmets.      t t 207
                                  ਬূ ಣച ਬ૑ҵ਷ ੗઱ r౵ۆ ೾ݱs੉ۄҊ ࠛ݀פ׮
                                 ܻझ׬ Ե౲   ৔য ܻझ׬ী ب਑੉ غח ਢࢎ੉౟ ℆                t t 211

                   ৈؑ૩݃٣ ↟ ҃ઁ  җ೟ ׏झ
                                45  Ireland’s economy and financial markets are in a deep crisis.    t t 213
                                  ইੌے٘੄ ҃ઁ৬ Әਲ਼द੢੉ बпೠ ਤӝী ୊೧ ੓णפ׮
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