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P. 16

3   until it comes to a complete stop
                                                                           ৮੹൤ ݥ୹ ٸө૑

                              come to a stop਷ rࢲ׮s  rݥ୶׮sۄח ੄޷੉Ҋ  complete਷ ъઑ੄ ੄޷۽
                              r୭؀੄s  r৮߷ೠs੉ۄח ڷੑפ׮  until it਷ ো਺غয <঱౰Ⱋ>୊ۢ ٜܻҊ
                              comes to aীࢲ toח ডೞѱ ߊ਺غয  <ஹૉ౟য>৬ ࠺तೞѱ ٜ݀פ׮

                              ℆   Please don’t move       it         to a                  .
                                 ৮੹൤ ݥ୹ ٸө૑ ਑૒੉૑ ݈ই ઱ࣁਃ
             passenger ఑थё
             aircraft ࠺೯ӝ  ӝ୓  ℇ   Please remain in your              the bus         to a
                                                    . ߡझо ৮੹൤ ݥ୹ ٸө૑ ઝࢳী ঊই ҅ࣁਃ
           * ੿׹ *
                              ℈   All the        should         seated         the
           ℆   until / comes /
             complete stop
                                           to a                  .
           ℇ  seat until / comes /
             complete stop       ݽٚ थёٜ਷ ࠺೯ӝо ৮੹൤ ݥ୹ ٸө૑ ੗ܻী ঊই ੓যঠ ೤פ׮
           ℈  passengers / remain
             / until / plane comes /   ℉   Please    your seatbelt            the
             complete stop
           ℉  keep / fastened until /      to a                  .
             aircraft comes /
             complete stop       ࠺೯ӝо ৮੹൤ ݥ୹ ٸө૑ח উ੹߰౟ܳ ҅ࣘ ݒҊ ҅दӝ ߄ۉפ׮

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