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P. 15

             ೨ब ҳޙ ٛӝ
                                 1   Keep ~  at all times.              ט _ೠ ଻۽ ҅ࣁਃ
            ҳޙਸ ഛपೞѱ ੉೧
            ೠ റ  য়٣য় ౵ੌਸ
            ٜਵݶࢲ ࠼஢ਸ ଻਋
                             keep~ח r_੄ ࢚క؀۽ ੓׮sۄח ݈ੑפ׮  at all timesח r೦࢚  ט  ҅ࣘ  ղ
                             ղsۄח ڷ੉ભ  at all timesীࢲ at all਷ ো਺غয <গۡ>୊ۢ ߊ਺ؾפ׮

                             ℆           the door closed                          .
                                ޙ਷ ೦࢚ ײইفࣁਃ
           available ੉ਊೡ ࣻ ੓ח
                             ℇ           your body
           stock ы୾ فҊ ੓׮
                                so as not to       a cold. хӝী Ѧܻ૑ ঋب۾ ೦࢚ ރਸ ٮڷೞѱ ਬ૑ೞࣁਃ
          * ੿׹ *
                             ℈   It is      to         water          and
          ℆ Keep / at all times
          ℇ  Keep / warm at all                             . ೦࢚ ޛਸ ݃प ࣻ ੓ѱ ࠺୷೧ فח ѱ ઺ਃ೤פ׮
           times / catch
          ℈  important / keep /   ℉   I    you guys and       forget to        yourselves
           available / stocked at all
           times                                                     .
          ℉  love / don’t / keep /
           healthy at all times  ց൞ܳ ࢎیೞҊ  ೦࢚ ց൞ झझ۽ Ѥъਸ ਬ૑೧ঠ ೠ׮ח Ѧ ੕૑ ݃ۄ

                                 2   Remain seated ~.             ঊই ҅ࣁਃ  ঊ਷ ଻۽ ҅ࣁਃ

                             remain~਷ r_ೠ ଻۽ Ӓ؀۽ ੓׮sח ݈੉Ҋ  seatedח ঊই ੓ח ࢚కܳ оܻ
                             ః޲۽ Remain seated.ח rঊই ҅ࣁਃ ঊ਷ ଻۽ ҅ࣁਃ sۄח ݈੉ ؾפ׮
                             seatedীࢲ tী ъࣁܳ ف૑ ঋҊ ߊ਺ೞӝ ٸޙী <ॿܻŬ>୊ۢ ٜ݀פ׮

           be likely to _ೞӝ औ׮  ℆   Please              and          . Ӓ؀۽ ঊইࢲ ઑਊ൤ ҅ࣁਃ
           overweight җ୓઺੄
           ࠺݅ੋ               ℇ   Please                           your seatbelt       .
           rider ੗੹Ѣա য়ష߄੉
           ֥੉ ӝҳ ١ਸ ఍ ࢎۈ        উ੹߰౟ܳ ݒҊ Ӓ؀۽ ঊই ҅ࣁਃ

                             ℈   Those who                  for a        period of time are
          * ੿׹ *
          ℆ remain seated / quiet        to be         . য়ۖزউ ੗ܻী ঊই ੓ח ࢎۈٜ਷ ࢓੉ ପ ഛܫ੉ ֫׮
          ℇ  remain seated with /
           fastened          ℉           should                   at all
          ℈  remain seated / long /
           likely / overweight  the roller coaster is in    .
          ℉  Riders / remain seated
                                ܀۞௏झఠо ੘زೞח زউ ఑थёٜ਷ ҅ࣘ о݅൤ ঊই ੓যঠ ೠ׮
           / times while / motion
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