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P. 11

             ೨ब ҳޙ ٛӝ            1   We have a lost ~ named …
            ҳޙਸ ഛपೞѱ ੉೧                           ੷൞о jۄח ੉ܴ੄  ӡਸ ੏਷ _ܳ ؘܻҊ ੓णפ׮
            ೠ റ  য়٣য় ౵ੌਸ
            ٜਵݶࢲ ࠼஢ਸ ଻਋
                             We have a lost ~ named jח ߔച੼੉ա ֥੉ҕਗҗ э੉ ࠂ੟ೠ Ҕীࢲ ӡ
                             ਸ ੏਷ যܽই੉ա ֢ੋਸ ߊѼೞৈ ࠁഐೞҊ ੓׮ח Ѫਸ ঌܻח ݈ੑפ׮
                             have aо ো਺غয <೧ߡ>୊ۢ ٜܻҊ  named੄ ՘ী ੓ח d ܻࣗח Ѣ੄ ٜ
                             ܻ૑ ঋҊ ׮਺ ױয۽ ֈযт ࣻ ੓ਵפ ઱੄ೞৈ ٜযࠁࣁਃ

                             ℆                                       boy          Brandon.
                                ࠳ےٚ੉ۄח ੉ܴ੄  ӡਸ ੏਷ թ੗ই੉ܳ ؘܻҊ ੓णפ׮

                             ℇ   Please listen carefully.
                                girl        Rita. ੜ ٜয઱ࣁਃ  ܻఋۄח  ӡਸ ੏਷ ৈ੗ই੉ܳ ؘܻҊ ੓णפ׮
                             ℈   On the first floor,                               boy
                                         Peter who is        a blue        .
                                 கীࢲ  ౵ۆ࢝ ਋࢑ਸ ٜҊ ੓ח ೖఠۄח ੉ܴ੄  ӡਸ ੏਷ թ੗ই੉ܳ ؘܻҊ ੓णפ׮
          * ੿׹ *
          ℆ We have a lost / named
                             ℉                                       elderly woman
          ℇ We have a lost / named
          ℈  we have a lost / named      Cindy                                     and
           / carrying / umbrella
          ℉  We have a lost / named               .
           / wearing a yellow
           dress / black shoes   ֢ۆ࢝ ਗೖझী Ѩ਷࢝ ҳفܳ नਵन  न٣ۄח ৈ੗ যܰनਸ ݽदҊ ੓णפ׮

                                 2   ~ was/were found in …         _ח jীࢲ ߊѼغ঻णפ׮

           kitchenware ࠗা ਊಿ
           men’s clothing
           թࢿ ੄ܨ
                              be found in   ੢ࣗ ח  r_о  ੢ࣗ ীࢲ ߊѼغ׮s  r_ܳ  ੢ࣗ ীࢲ ߊѼೞ׮s
           sporting goods
           ਍ز ਊಿ             ۄח ݈ੑפ׮  found in਷ <౵਍٥>୊ۢ ো਺غয ܻࣗ ժפ׮
           household goods
           оࢎ ਊಿ
                             ℆   My mother                                     kitchenware
          * ੿׹ *
                                section. ਋ܻ যݠפо ࠗা ਊಿ ௏ցীࢲ ߊѼغ࣑য
          ℆ was found in the
          ℇ was found in the
                             ℇ   I heard his son                                  men’s
          ℈  My grandfather was
           found in the sporting  clothing section. Ӓ ࢎۈ ইٜ੉ թࢿ ੄ܨ ݒ੢ীࢲ ߊѼغ঻׮Ҋ ٜ঻חؘ
          ℉  my daughters were
           found in the household
           / floor
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