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P. 9

           Practice       ੉ઁ ੗न ੓ѱ ݈ೡ ࣻ ੓աਃ                      ઁೠदр

          007                                008
             ੷۠  ց ׀ ߃ী ׮௼ࢲ௿੉ ࢤ҂֎                ղੌө૑ ࠁҊࢲܳ ՘յ ࣻ ੓ѷয
             Oh, my. You have dark circles      Do you think you can finish the
             underneath your eyes.              report by tomorrow?

              ݔզ ঠӔ೧ࢲ Ӓې                        ೡ ࣻ ੓য  ա ߎ࢟ Ѣঠ
             It’s because                       Yes, I do.

          009                                010
              ৵ ৔ച زইܻী উ աয়ח Ѣפ                 ୡҗ Ӕޖ ࣻ׼ਸ ߉աਃ
             Why haven’t you been coming
             to our movie club?
                                                 ѣ੿ ݈ইਃ  ਘәী ୶оغয աцפ׮
              ށۋয  ਃ્ ա ঠр Ӕޖঠ                  Don’t worry. It will be added to
             You didn’t know?                   your monthly pay.

                                                                 monthly pay  ਘә
          011                                012
             য়טߎ ਋ܻ ؘ੉౟ܳ ৵ ஂࣗೞחؘ                ఻  ഥध਷ ੄ޖо ইפঠ
             Why are you canceling our          Tom,
             date tonight?

              য়ט ഥध੉ ੓য  Ӕؘ ঱ઁ ՘զ૑ ݽܰѷয          ੿݈ਃ  ൙  Ӓېب ଵࢳೞҊ रणפ׮
                                     And        Really? Hmm, I still want to be
             I don’t know when it will end.     there.

            Answer    007  I work after hours every day. ݔզ ঠӔ೧     008  I’m going to pull an all-nighter. ա ߎ࢟ Ѣঠ
            009  I have the night shift ա ঠр Ӕޖঠ    010  Do I get paid overtime? ୡҗ Ӕޖ ࣻ׼ਸ ߉աਃ     011  I have a team
            dinner today. য়ט ഥध੉ ੓য     012  the team dinner is not mandatory. ഥध਷ ੄ޖо ইפঠ
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