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P. 7

           Practice       ੉ઁ ੗न ੓ѱ ݈ೡ ࣻ ੓աਃ                      ઁೠदр

          001                                002
             যۄ  য়ט ੌନ ୹Ӕ೮֎                      ੗ӝঠ  ա ഥࢎ ןѷয  ইஜ ݡਸ दр੉ হয
             Huh?                               Honey,
                                                I don’t have time for breakfast.
              ղ ೐۽ં౟ܳ ୭؀ೠ ࡈܻ ՘ղҊ रযࢲ
             I want to finish my project as     ੗  Ӓېࢲ ࢞٘ਤ஖ ٜ݅঻য  ୃѹ о
             quickly as possible.               Here, that’s why I made you a
                                                sandwich. Take it with you.

          003                                004
              ઓ਷ ৵ ੷ۧѱ ೖҌ೧ ࠁৈ  য়റ  द߆ী উ         য়ט ঱ઁ ݅զ ࣻ ੓ਸө
                                                When can I see you today?
             Why does John look so tired?
             It’s only 5 p.m.                    ਺  դ  दী ృӔ೧  Ӓ۞פө  द ߈ ੿ب
             ੴח ইஜഋ ੋр੉ਗ਼ই  ࢜߷  दী ੌযդ؀
                                                So around six thirty?
             He wakes up at four in the

          005                                006
              ઁо ݅ٚ प੸ ࠁҊࢲী ޖट ޙઁо ੓աਃ           ޤ   द߆ী উعחؘ ੌ੉ ՘լ׮Ҋ
             Is there any problem with my       What? It’s only three o’clock
             sales report?                      and you’re done for the day?

             ইפঠ  ই઱ ੜ೮য  ੗  য়ט਷ ੉݅ೞ૑           դ ୹ృӔ दр੉ ੗ਬ۽ਕ
             No, excellent work. Well,

            Answer    001  You’re in early today. য়ט ੌନ ୹Ӕ೮֎     002  I’ll be late for work. ա ഥࢎ ןѷয     003  He’s a
            morning person. ੴח ইஜഋ ੋр੉ਗ਼ই     004  I’m off at six. դ  दী ృӔ೧     005  let’s call it a day. য়ט਷ ੉݅ೞ૑
            006  I work flexible hours. դ ୹ృӔ दр੉ ੗ਬ۽ਕ
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