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01 _  5.mp3
            Test 05        ੉۠ ݈  ৔য۽ যڌѱ ೡөਃ                      ઁೠदр

           025   সޖמ۱ਸ ੋ੿߉ই थ૓೮ਸ ٸ            026   थ૓ਸ Ѣٟೞݴ ଘଘ ৢۄоח ࢎۈ
             ա थ૓೮য                              џח थ૓ оبܳ ׳ܻҊ ੓য                 DAY 1

              a  I got a detonation.             a  She’s moving up the
                                                   corporate railroad.            Ü
              b  I got a celebration.                                             थ૓
                                                 b  She’s moving up the
              c  I got a promotion.
                                                   corporate maze.
                                                 c  She’s moving up the
                                                   corporate ladder.

           027   թٜࠁ׮ ഻ঁ ࡈܻ थ૓ೠ ࢎۈ            028   थ૓h੹Ӕ ١੄ ੋࢎ੉زਸ ৘࢚ೡ ٸ
             џח Ҋࣘथ૓೮য                           ੋࢎ੉ز੉ ੓ਸ Ѣঠ

              a  He’s in a time-machine          a  There will be a personnel
                ladder.                            reshuffle.
              b  He got promoted rapidly.        b  A manpower delivery is
              c  The promotion is a rocket
                science.                         c  It is the season for changing

           029   ׮ܲ Ӕޖ૑۽ ߓ੿߉ই ৤ӝѱ عਸ ٸ        030   थ૓ਸ ӝ؀೮૑݅ ৘࢚੉ ࡁաщਸ ٸ
             ա ׮ܲ ࢎޖप۽ ੹Ӕ೧                       ա थ૓ ݺױীࢲ ࡅ઎য

              a  I’m being transformed to        a  I was passed away for a
                another office.                    promotion.
              b  I’m being delivered to          b  I was passed over for a
                another office.                    promotion.
              c  I’m being transferred to        c  The promotion list was
                another office.                    deleted.

             Answer    025   c  थ૓ Ü promotion    026   c  थ૓ ࢎ׮ܻ Ü corporate ladder    027   b  थ૓غ׮ Ü get promoted ₀
             ࡅܰѱ Ü rapidly    028   a  ੋࢎ੉ز Ü personnel reshuffle    029   c  ੹Ӕदః׮  ੹Ӕೞ׮ Ü transfer ₀ Ӕޖ૑ Ü office
             030   b   ࢶߊীࢲ  ઁ৻غ׮ Ü be passed over
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