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P. 15

           Practice       ੉ઁ ੗न ੓ѱ ݈ೡ ࣻ ੓աਃ                      ઁೠदр

          025                                026
              ੉ ݽ߄ੌ ѱ੐ ೧ࠅې  ՘ղ઻                 ֎ ࣗध ٜ঻য  ցޖ ӝ࡜
             Why don’t you try this mobile      I heard your news.
                                                 Ҋ݃ਕ  ֎о হ঻ਵݶ ޅ೮ਸ Ѣঠ
              য়  Ӓې  աب ೧ࠅѱ
                                                Thank you. I couldn’t have
             Oh, yeah? Let me try.              done it without you.

          027                                028
              ա द೷ী ాҗ೮য  ӝ࠙੉ ࡸ٠೧                ইࡅೠప ਊت ׳ۄҊ ೞ੗  ӝ࠙੉ ই઱ જਵ࣊
             I passed the exam!                 Let’s ask Dad for some pocket
             Good for you!                       ੿݈  ইೞ  ௼ܻझ݃झ ࠁցझܳ ߉ਵ࣑ҳա
                                                Really? Ah, ha! He got his
                                                Christmas bonus.

          029                                030
              դ ցޖ ೯ࠂ೧  ௕֢ېо ੺۽ ա৬               ঙ੉ ઓ੄ Ѿഒ ೐۞ನૉܳ ߉ইٜ৓աࠊ  џ
             I feel so happy.                   ੑ੉ ӈী Ѧ۷য
                                                Anne must have accepted
                                                John’s marriage proposal.
             क  ਋ܽ ৔ചҙ উ੉ঠ
             Shh! We are in a movie theater.
                                                 ੿݈  оࢲ ୷ೞ೧ ઱੗
                                                Really! Let’s go and congratulate

            Answer    025  It’s awesome! ՘ղ઻     026  I’m overjoyed! ցޖ ӝ࡜     027  I feel good about myself. ӝ࠙੉ ࡸ٠೧
            028  He’s in high spirits. ӝ࠙੉ ই઱ જਵ࣊     029  I feel like humming. ௕֢ېо ੺۽ ա৬     030  He’s grinning from
            ear to ear. џ ੑ੉ ӈী Ѧ۷য
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