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           Practice       ੉ઁ ੗न ੓ѱ ݈ೡ ࣻ ੓աਃ                      ઁೠदр

          013                                014
              ݃਺੉ ಞ஖ ঋই  ਧܻষਸ ߓनೞח Ѣਗ਼ই           ઓীѱ ب਑ਸ ୒೧ࠊ  Ӓח تਸ ࠽۰઴ Ѣঠ
                                     I’m        Ask John for help. He’ll lend
             betraying William.                 you money.

              ইפঠ  ҡଳ׮פө  ݢ੷ օ ߓनೠ Ѥ ਧܻষ         ޅೞѷয  Ӓח ղ ߃ীࢲ ੌ೮ਗ਼ই  ੗ઓब ࢚೧
                                                I can’t. He used to work for me.
             No, it’s okay. It’s William who
             betrayed you first.

                                betray  ߓनೞ׮
          015                                016
              ݃௼ ૘ী ੓աਃ  ాചೞҊ र਷ؘਃ              ց য়טߎ ۽ߡ౟ܳ ݅ա۞ о૑ ঋח ѱ જѷয
             Is Mark home? I’d like to talk to   I don’t think you should go and
             him.                               meet Robert tonight.
              ޷উ  ੹ചܳ ޅ ߉ਸ Ѫ эই  џח য়ט ރ੉        ѣ੿ ݃  ۽ߡ౟ীѱ ചդ Ѣ ইפঠ
             ખ উ જই
                                                Don’t worry.
             Sorry, he won’t be able to                   with Robert.
             come to the phone.

          017                                018
              ৵ ചܳ ղ  ղо ޤۄҊ ೮חؘ                 ୷ೞ೧  ց ࠂӂ ׼୎عয
             Why are you angry? What did I      Congratulations! You won the
             say?                               lottery!

              ֎о ղ ই೑ ؘܳ Ѥ٘۷য  ղ ః о૑Ҋ ֥ܻ       ޤۄҊ  Ӓۡ ܻо  ૑Ә ա ֥ܻח Ѣ૑
             ૑ ݃
                                                What? No, way!
                         Don’t make fun of
             my height.

            Answer    013  I feel uneasy. ݃਺੉ ಞ஖ ঋই     014  It hurts my ego. ੗ઓब ࢚೧     015  He’s feeling under the
            weather today. џח য়ט ރ੉ ખ উ જই     016  I’m not cross ചդ Ѣ ইפঠ    017  You touched a sore spot for me
            ֎о ղ ই೑ ؘܳ Ѥ٘۷য     018  You are pulling my leg! ૑Ә ա ֥ܻח Ѣ૑
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