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P. 9

           Practice       ੉ઁ ੗न ੓ѱ ݈ೡ ࣻ ੓աਃ                      ઁೠदр

          007                                008
              য়ט੉ ੋఢ ݃૑݄ զ੉ঠ  दਗࢼࢼೞ֎            ਋ܻ ੉ઁ оࠊঠѷয  ࢜߷  दঠ
             Today is my last day as an         We should get going. It’s 2 a.m.
                                                 दр੉ Ӓۧѱ عয  दр੉ ցޖ ࡈܻ р׮
                                                Is that the time?
              ߥॄ  աח ই૒ ੌ઱ੌ թওয
             Already? I still have a week to

          009                                010
              ੉ۡ ࣻо  ੢೟Әਸ ޅ ఓয                   թ਷ ਺धਸ ૘ী оઉо੗  ցޖ ইӰਗ਼ই
             Oh, man! I didn’t get the          Let’s take the leftovers home.
              ইऔ׮  ׮਺ীח ԙ ߉ਸ ࣻ ੓ਸ Ѣঠ             फয  ߣѢ܂ਗ਼ই  ӒܻҊ ն࢜ب զ Ѣঠ
                                 I’m sure       No, it’s cumbersome. And it will
             you will get it next time.         smell, too.

                                                            cumbersome  ࢿоन  ӈଳ਷
          011                                012
              ই੉Ҋ  ইөਕۄ  Ѣ੄ झ౟ۄ੉௼৓חؘ             ੤ࣻب غѱ হ֎  ݠܻ ࢜۽ ೮חؘ  ਋࢑ ੓פ
             Oh!                   It was                          I just had
             almost a strike.                   my hair done. Do you have an
             ਺j ࠅ݂ҕਸ ցޖ ןѱ ֭ࢲ Ӓ۠оࠊ
             Hmm... Maybe I’m releasing          ޛۿ੉૑  э੉ ॶө
             the bowling ball too late.         Sure. Do you want to share?

            Answer    007  It’s a bitter-sweet feeling. दਗࢼࢼೞ֎     008  Time flies. दр੉ ցޖ ࡈܻ р׮     009  What a shame!
            ইऔ׮     010  It’s such a waste  ցޖ ইӰਗ਼ই     011  It was so close! ইөਕۄ     012  Just my luck. ੤ࣻب غѱ হ֎

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