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5       ৄ౵੉য झప੉౟ ࠽٬ী о۰ݶ য٣ࢲ ղ۰ঠ ೞભ
                                 Where do I get off for the Empire State Building?

                              ߡझա ӝର୊ۢ ௾ Үాࣻױী rয়ܰ׮ ղܻ׮sۆ ز੘ਸ ݈ೡ ٸীח get on   get offܳ ॺפ׮  ೞ
                              ૑݅ थਊରա ఖद э਷ ੘਷ ରੌ ҃਋ীח get in   get out ofܳ ॳભ  ੌ࢚ഥചীࢲח get ؀न
                              ী r ڪয  য়ܰҊ ղܽ׮sח ੄޷۽ hopਸ ॳӝب ೞҊਃ  get off ٍ੄ forח r_ী оӝ ਤ೧sۆ ੄޷
                              ܳ ನೣೞҊ ੓णפ׮

                                6              ৈӝࢲ ݻ ੿Ѣ੢੉ա ڄযઉ ੓ભ
                                          How many stops is it from here?

                              ߡझա ૑ೞ୍੄ ੿ܨ੢਷ ݽف stopਸ ॺפ׮  ૑ೞ୍੄ ੿ܨ੢਷ r৉s੉ۆ ੄޷۽ stationਸ ॳӝب
                              ೞ૑ਃ  ݻ ੿ܨ੢ թওח૑ ഛੋೡ ٸח  How many more stops to   ݾ੸૑~? ۄҊب ޛযࠅ
                              ࣻ ੓णפ׮

                                7            ૑Әࠗఠ  ߣ૩ ੿ܨ੢ীࢲ ղܻݶ ؾפ׮
                                       That would be the 3rd stop from here.

                              ߡझա ૑ೞ୍ਸ ఍ ׮਺ী য٣ীࢲ ղ۰ঠ ೡ૑ ੗न੉ হਸ ٺ ೯ࢶ૑ܳ ݈ೠ ׮਺ How many
                              stops is it from here?ۄҊ ޛযࠁݶ غѷભ  Ӓ۞ݶ That would be the 3rd stop from
                              here. ١ਵ۽ ؀׹೧઴ Ѫੑפ׮  rݻ ߣ૩ ੿ܨ੢s੉ۆ ಴അਸ ೡ ٸח the 3rd(third) stopҗ э੉
                              ࢲࣻܳ ॄࢲ ಴അ೤פ׮

                                8     ৄ౵੉য झప੉౟ ࠽٬ী о۰ݶ ݻ ߣ ୹ҳ۽ աоঠ ೞભ
                                    Which exit is for the Empire State Building?

                              exitח r୹ҳs  entranceח rੑҳsભ  пп way out  way in੉ۄҊب ೤פ׮  ٮۄࢲ exit for ~ח
                              r_۽ աоח ୹ҳsۆ ڷ੉ غભ  ੿೧૓ ݻ ѐ੄ ୹ҳ о਍ؘ ೞաܳ ޚח Ѫ੉ӝ ٸޙী what exitࠁ
                              ׮ח which exitۄҊ ޚח Ѫ੉ ੿ഛ೤פ׮

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