Page 16 -
P. 16

જ਷ ੌ ੓যਃ
                          What’s new in your life?

                          ղੌ ࣗաӝо ৢ ഛܫ੉ 80 ۄ֎ਃ
            о߶਍ ࣻ׮
                          There is an 80% chance of showers tomorrow.

                          য়ט զॿ ੿݈ উ જҵਃ
                          What gloomy weather we’re having!

                          ҳܴ ೠ ੼ হח ݉਷ զ੉ҵਃ                                      ࢎޖ সޖ
                          It’s clear as a bell.

                          ੿݈ ૑Ӛ૑Ӛೠ ࠺۽ҵਃ
                          It’s raining non-stop.                                 Ü 1  সޖ ҙ۲ ಴അ
                          য়ט ҭ੢൤ ؊਎ Ѣ৘ਃ
                          It’s going to be boiling hot today.

                          য়ט ࠺о ষ୒ ಌࠗਸ ѢۄҊ ӝ࢚৘ࠁীࢲ ٜ঻যਃ
                          I heard from the weather forecast that it’s going to rain
                          cats and dogs.

                         Example  A    Morning. How are you feeling this morning?    উ֞ೞࣁਃ  য়ט ইஜ ӝ࠙ যٸਃ
                            B    Never been better. By the way, I heard from the weather forecast that
                              it’s going to be boiling hot today. It’s going to go up to 34 Celsius
                              degrees!    ই઱ જইਃ  Ӓؘ۠  ੌӝ৘ࠁܳ ٜਵפ য়ט ҭ੢൤ ؓ׮֎ਃ  ࢼॿ   بө૑ য়ܲ؀ਃ

                          ࢓ਸ ীח ٠ೠ ୶ਤ֎ਃ
                          It’s freezing here.

                          ҍ ࠆ੉ীਃ
                          Spring is just around the corner.
                          যઇߎ ୷ҳ ҃ӝ ࠁ࣑যਃ
                          Did you watch the soccer game last night?

                          ݒੌ ইஜ ਍زਸ ೞפ ӝ࠙੉ જইਃ
                          I feel better after working out every morning.

                          যઇߎ r೐۪ૉs ࠌযਃ
                          Did you watch Friends last night?

                                                                 Part 2 ࢎޖ সޖ ↟ 61
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