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P. 15

੿݈ য়ے݅ੑפ׮
                      Long time no see!
                      It’s been a long time.
                      Ӓ زউ ੜ ૑չযਃ
                      How have you been?

                      ਃ્ ా উ ࠁ੉द؍ؘਃ
                      Where have you been?

                      ೞաب উ ߸೮֎ਃ
                      You haven’t changed a bit.

                      Ӓ زউ োۅ ޅ೧ࢲ ޷উ೧ਃ
                      I’m sorry about not keeping in touch.

                      োۅೞ۰Ҋ ೮঻যਃ
                      I wanted to get a hold of you.
                      ޖट উ જ਷ ੌ ੓যਃ
                      Is there something wrong?
                      What’s wrong?
                      What’s the matter?

                      ӝ਍੉ হয ࠁ੉֎ਃ
                      You look down.

                      ౠ߹ೠ ੌ਷ হযਃ
                      Nothing special.
                      ৘੹੉ա эભ  ޤ
                      Same old, same old.

                      I feel terrible.

                      झ౟ۨझо ब೧ਃ
                      I am stressed.

                      ݽٚ ੌ੉ ੜغҊ ੓যਃ
                      Everything is going great.

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