Page 21 -
P. 21

੷ח য়ט ੌନ ੌਸ ݃ଢ଼णפ׮
                      I left work early today.
                      ੷ח ృӔ೮׮Ҋ Ӓ࠙ԋ ݈೧ ઱ࣁਃ
                      Tell him that I’m gone for the day.

                      ࢲܨ ੘ࢿೞח Ѫ ખ ب৬઱दѷযਃ
        সޖ ࠁҊ ߂
        সޖ ࢚ട         Would you mind helping me with the paperwork?
                      ੉ ੌਸ ؀न ୊ܻ೧ ઱दѷযਃ
                      Could you fill in for me?                ↜fill in for  _ਸ ؀नೞ׮

                      য়ט ృӔ ੹ө૑ ࠁҊࢲܳ ઁ୹ೞࣁਃ
                      Turn in the report before you leave today.
                      য়ט ృӔ ੹ө૑ ࠁҊࢲܳ ݃஖ࣁਃ
                      Finish the report by COB today.
                                                ↜COB  সޖ ઙܐ  the close of the business੄ ডয
                      ࠁҊࢲח ՘չաਃ
                      Did you get it done?

                      ࠁҊࢲח যڌѱ غয оਃ
                      How’s your report coming along?

                      ૑Әө૑ח ߹ ޙઁ হח Ѫ эणפ׮
                      So far, so good.
                      So far, everything looks fine.
                      So far, we are on the right track.
                      So far, there don’t seem to be any problems.

                     Example  A  How is the project going?    Ӓ ೐۽ં౟ח যڌѱ غয оҊ ੓যਃ

                        B  So far, there don’t seem to be any problems. No worries.    ই૒ө૑ח ߹
                           ޙઁ হח Ѫ эইਃ  ѣ੿ ݃ࣁਃ

                      ߈ ੿ب ૓೯೮णפ׮
                      About half of it.  I
                      I’m about 50% done.
                      We are halfway there.
                      It’s about halfway done.

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