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8IFO ῨᏈᏈ   ⸙᤼ ᭬‡ ᭬₠
            ੄ޙࢎ 8IFO  दઁܳ ౵ঈೡ ࣻ ੓ח ઑزࢎ XJMM  ੄޷ܳ Ѿ੿ೞח ೨बয CFHJOਸ ా೧ नઁಿ दোഥо द੘غח ޷ې द੼ਸ ޚח
            8IFO ੄ޙޙ੉׮

                         அᕐ ᘔ᦭
             "  ੄ޙࢎ ੄ޙޙী ؀ೠ ׹߸ਵ۽ ॳੌ ࣻ হח :FT۽ ׹ೞݴ  ૕ޙҗ ࢚ҙহח ղਊ੉޲۽ য়׹੉׮
             #  ஶ߮࣌ ࣃఠ Ӕ୊ۄח ౠ੿ೠ ૑੼ਸ ઁदೞҊ ੓য 8IFSF ੄ޙޙী ੸೤ೠ ؀׹੉׮

                         ᒈဨ ᭬₠ ⳬ⺔
            ੼बधࢎ ੉റ BGUFS MVODI ۄח ޷ې द੼ਸ ঱әೠ  $ о ੿׹੉׮

                ೣ੿ ࠙ࢳ  ੄ޙࢎ 8IFOীࢲ ো࢚غח UJNF੉ ನೣػ ׹߸  " ܳ Ҋܰ૑ ঋب۾ ೠ׮  दোഥо द੘ೞח द੼ਸ ޛ঻૑݅ ੿दী ب଱ೡ ࣻ ੓׮Ҋ ݈ೞ
            ৈ য࢝ೠ ׹߸੉׮
                                                                                           ੿׹  $

               STEP 3   ࠼୹ ಴അ

            ↟  ૕ޙ ਬഋ                                     ↟  CZ   दр द੼
              When is the payment due?  ঱ઁо ૑ࠛ ݃хੌੋоਃ     by Thursday  ݾਃੌө૑
              When is the sales report due?                by the end of today  য়טө૑
              ৔স ࠁҊࢲ੄ ݃хदೠ੉ ঱ઁੋоਃ
                                                           by the end of this week  ੉ߣ ઱ ݈ө૑
              When are you going to leave for vacation?
              ঱ઁ ോоܳ ځզ ৘੿ੋоਃ                            ↟  PO   ਃੌ զ૞
              When will the repairs be finished?          on Thursday  ݾਃੌী
              ঱ઁ ܻࣻо ݃ޖܻغաਃ                                on September 9th   ਘ  ੌী
              When will our newest product be released?
                                                         ↟  ޷ې द੼ ࠗࢎ
              ঱ઁ ୭न ࢚ಿ੉ ҕѐؼөਃ
                                                          this afternoon  য়ט য়റ
              When will the new branch in London open?
              ۠؍੄ ࢜ ૑੼਷ ঱ઁ ѐ੢ೞաਃ                           sometime next week  ׮਺ ઱ ઺ী
              When did you return the survey result?      next Wednesday  ׮਺ ઱ ࣻਃੌ
              ঱ઁ ࢸޙઑࢎ Ѿҗܳ ج۰઱঻աਃ
                                                         ↟  җѢ द੼ ࠗࢎ
            ↟  BU   दр द੼                                 last Friday  ૑դ Әਃੌ
              at 9 o’clock   दী                           last year  ੘֙
             at 3:30   द   ࠙ী                              two months ago  ف ׳ ੹
              at the end of the month  ਘ݈ী

               STEP 4   োण ޙઁ                                                             2-3-2.mp3

            1.  (A)     (B)     (C)                   2.  (A)     (B)     (C)

            3.  (A)     (B)     (C)                   4.  (A)     (B)     (C)
                                                                                         Ü ੿׹    ଃ
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15