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               5         8IZ ੄ޙޙ                                  ୹ઁ ࠼ب   ݒഥ ಣӐ    ѐ

               STEP 1   ޙઁ ਬഋ ࠙ࢳ

            8IZ ੄ޙޙ਷ ഥࢎ ೯ࢎٜ  ૊ ਕ௼ࣸ  োࣻ  ഥ੄  ߊ಴ ١੄ োӝ ஂࣗೞח ੉ਬ  ೯ࢎ ࠛଵ ੉ਬ  Үాࣻױ੄ ୹
            ߊ ب଱ दр੉ ૑োغח ੉ਬ  ࢚੼੉ ࡈܻ ѐ੼ ತ੼ೞח ੉ਬ ١੄ ੉ਬܳ ޚח ޙઁٜ੉ ୹ઁػ׮  ױ  #FDBVTF۽
            द੘ೞח ׹߸੉ য়൤۰ য়׹ੋ ҃਋о ݆ਵ޲۽ ੹୓ܳ ٛҊ ղਊ࢚ ো҅о غח૑ܳ ౵ঈೞח Ѫ੉ ઺ਃೞ׮

            ¥ ੹஖ࢎҳ ߂ ࠗ੿ࢎ ഋక੄ ૣ਷ ׹߸
              Why did the museum postpone the exhibition?  ߅ޛҙ੉ ੹दഥܳ ৵ োӝ೮աਃ
             ⊝ Due to the inclement weather.  ঈୌറ۽ ੋ೧ࢲਃ
             ⊝ Because of some problems in the process.  ੺ର࢚੄ ޙઁ ٸޙীਃ
             ⊝ For the upcoming renovations.  ҍ ੓ਸ ࠁࣻҕࢎ ٸޙীਃ

             ⊝ To check the wiring problems.  ߓࢶ ޙઁܳ ੼Ѩೞӝ ਤ೧ࢲਃ
             ⊝ In order to fix a water leak.  ־ࣻܳ ܻࣻೞӝ ਤ೧ࢲਃ

            ¥ ੉ਬ ਗੋਸ ޙ੢ਵ۽ ࢸݺೞח ׹߸

              Why is our manufacturing plant closing early today?  ਋ܻ ઁઑ ҕ੢੉ ৵ য়ט ޙਸ ੌନ ײաਃ
             ⊝ We’re going to install the new equipment.  ࢜ ੢࠺ܳ ࢸ஖ೡ ৘੿੉ীਃ
             ⊝ The air conditioner is broken.  ীযஶ੉ Ҋ੢ աࢲਃ
             ⊝ There is a serious mechanical problem.  बпೠ ӝ҅੸ੋ ޙઁо ੓যਃ
             ⊝ It needs repairs.   ܻࣻо ೙ਃ೧ਃ
             ⊝ There is an annual event.  ো۹ ೯ࢎо ੓যਃ

               STEP 2   ੉ۧѱ ಽযۄ                                                           2-5-1.mp3

               (A)     (B)     (C)

               Why has the express train bound for       द۞௸झ೯ ә೯ ৌରо ৵ ૑োغ঻աਃ
               Syracuse been delayed?
                                                          "  ӒҔী ب଱ೞח ؘ ࠁా   दр੉ ࣗਃؾפ׮
               (A) It usually takes 10 hours to get there.    #  ঈୌറ ٸޙীਃ
                                                          $  ਋ܻо ցޖ ә೧ࢲਃ
               (B) Due to inclement weather.
               (C) Because we are in such a hurry.

               ಴അ ੿ܻ    express train ә೯ ৌର   bound for _೯੄  _۽ ೱೞח   delay ૑োदః׮  োӝೞ׮   inclement weather ঈୌറ   be in such a hurry ބद

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