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               1         ಣࢲޙ                                     ୹ઁ ࠼ب   ݒഥ ಣӐ    ѐ

               STEP 1   ޙઁ ਬഋ ࠙ࢳ

            ੄ޙࢎܳ ૘઺೧ࢲ ٜযঠ ೞח ੄ޙࢎ ੄ޙޙҗ ׳ܻ ಣࢲޙ਷ ޙ੢ ੹୓ܳ ٜযঠ ೞӝ ٸޙী য۰਍ ਬഋ੉૑݅  ୭
            Ӕ ੗઱ ୹ઁغח ਬഋ੉޲۽ ߈٘द ঌইفযঠ ೠ׮  ࢎप ੹׳ ߂ ޙઁ ࢚ട ࢸݺ੉ ઱۽ ୹ઁغҊ  ੉ী ؀ೠ ׹߸
            ਵ۽ח ӛ੿ೞח ੄Ѽ੉ա ز੄ೞח ղਊ੉ աৡ׮

            ¥ ࢎप ੹׳ ⊝ ୶о ੿ࠁ ਃҳ  ࠗ੿੄ ׹߸
              The plant manager will be away on vacation soon.  ҕ੢੢਷ ઑ݅р ോоܳ т ѩפ׮
             ⊝ Who’s covering for him?  ־о Ӓ੄ ੌਸ ؀नೞաਃ  <୶о ੿ࠁ ਃҳ>
             ⊝ No, he postponed his vacation.  ইַ  Ӓח ോоܳ োӝ೮যਃ  <ࠗ੿੄ ׹߸ ߂ ੿ഛೠ ࢎप ઁद>

            ¥ ޙઁ ࢚ട ઁद ⊝ ز੄ೞח ׹߸  ೧Ѿ଼ ઁद
              I couldn’t find any printing paper in the office.  ࢎޖपীࢲ ੋࣧ ਊ૑ܳ ੹ഃ ଺ਸ ࣻо হ֎ਃ
             ⊝ We ran out of paper.  ઙ੉о ׮ ڄয઎যਃ  <ز੄ೞח ׹߸>
             ⊝ You can find some in the supply closet.  ࠺ಿ ହҊী ખ ੓যਃ  <೧Ѿ଼ ઁद>

            ¥ ਃ୒   ઁউ ⊝ хࢎ ಴അ  ӛ੿੄ ׹߸
              Please join us for a reception after the international conference.
              Ҵઁ ഥ੄о ՘դ റী ੷൞ ജ৔ ݅ଲী ଵࢳ೧ ઱ࣁਃ
             ⊝ Thanks for inviting me.  ୡ୒೧ ઱࣊ࢲ хࢎ೤פ׮  <хࢎ ಴അ>

             ⊝ Sure, I will.  ֎  Ӓۡѱਃ  <ӛ੿੄ ׹߸>

               STEP 2   ੉ۧѱ ಽযۄ                                                           2-1-1.mp3

               (A)     (B)     (C)

               I thought Ms. Wilson already left for     ਧट ॿо ૑դ઱ী ߕ௢ߡ۽ ੉޷ ځդ ઴ ঌওযਃ
               Vancouver last week.
                                                          "  ਗೞݶ ݫद૑ܳ թӝप ࣻ ੓যਃ
               (A) You can leave a message if you want.    #  ә೯ ৌର۽ ࣁ दр ߆ী উ Ѧ۷যਃ
                                                          $  ࢎप਷ Ӓ੄ ҅ദ੉ ஂࣗعযਃ
               (B)  It only took three hours by express
               (C) Actually, his plans were canceled.

               ಴അ ੿ܻ    leave a message ݫद૑ܳ թӝ׮   express train ә೯ ৌର

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