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࢚ട 03    ੗न੄ ૒଼ਸ ࣗѐೡ ٸ

                             ૒଼ਸ ࣗѐೡ ٸח ࠄੋ੄ ࣗࣘࠗࢲ ߂ ૒ೣҗ ೣԋ ׸׼ೞҊ ੓ח সޖա ೐
                             ۽ં౟ܳ ನೣदெب જणפ׮

                               ؀಴಴അ   I’m a new project manager.   ੷ח  ࢜۽  ৡ  ೐۽ં౟  ݒפ੷ੑפ׮

                             I’m an R&D consultant.  ੷ח োҳѐߊ ஶࢸఢ౟ੑפ׮
                             I’m a senior engineer.  ੷ח ࣻࢳ ূ૑פযੑפ׮

                              ࢚ട 04    ੗न੄ ׸׼ সޖܳ ࣗѐೡ ٸ

                             ׸׼ সޖח I’m in charge of ~ ੷ח _ਸ ݐҊ ੓णפ׮ ա I’m responsible
                             for ~ ੷ח _ਸ ଼੐૑Ҋ ੓णפ׮ ܳ ੉ਊ೧ࢲ ࢸݺೞݶ ؾפ׮
          ഥࢎ ੉ܴҗ ׸׼ সޖܳ زद
          ী ݈ೡ ٸח ੗न੄ ׸׼ সޖ
          ٍী  at   ഥࢎ ੉ܴ ਸ ֍য   ؀಴಴അ   I’m in charge of the X Project.   ੷ח 9 ೐۽ં౟ܳ  ׸׼ೞҊ  ੓णפ׮.
          ઱ݶ ؾפ׮
          I·m in charge of   I’m in charge of running this project.
          promotion at Sussex
                             ઁо ੉ ೐۽ં౟ ਍৔ਸ ׸׼ೞҊ ੓णפ׮
          Insurance Company
          ੷ח ࢲࣂझ ࠁ೷ഥࢎীࢲ ഘࠁܳ
          ׸׼ೞҊ ੓णפ׮.         I’m responsible for corporate fi nance at our fi rm.
                             ੷ח ੷൞ ഥࢎ੄ ੗Ә সޖܳ ଼੐૑Ҋ ੓णפ׮

                 Winner’s           ӝఋ ੗ӝࣗѐܳ ೞח ߑߨ

             I’m in public relations.  ੷ח ഘࠁࠗীࢲ Ӕޖ೤פ׮
             I’m sure most of you already know me.  ৈ۞࠙ ؀ࠗ࠙੉ ੉޷ ੷ܳ ইप ѢۄҊ ޺णפ׮
             Thanks Mr. Park for introducing me. As he said, I’m an assistant manager of the HR department.
             ੷ܳ ࣗѐ೧ ઱न ߅ җ੢שԋ хࢎ٘݀פ׮  ݈ॹೞन Ѫ୊ۢ ੷ח ੋࢎࠗ ؀ܻੑפ׮
             I have been in charge of this project for the last few months.
             ૑դ ݻ ׳р ੷ח ੉ ೐۽ં౟ܳ ׸׼೧ ৳णפ׮
             It’s needless to mention who I am, right?  ઁо ־ҳੋ૑ ݈ উ ೧ب ׮ ইदભ
                ઑӘ Ѥߑ૑ѱ ٜܾ ࣻب ੓ਵ޲۽ ੜ ইח ࢎۈٜਸ ؀࢚ਵ۽ ೞח ந઱঴ೠ ߊ಴ীࢲ݅ ࢎਊ೤פ׮

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