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                   ױ҅           ࢚ട 01    ୒઺੄ ؀ࠗ࠙੉ ߊ಴੗ܳ ঌҊ ੓ਸ ٸ
              ೨ब಴അ ੊൤ӝ
                              ୒઺੄ ؀ࠗ࠙੉ ߊ಴੗ܳ ঌҊ ੓ח ҃਋  ୒઺੉ э਷ ഥࢎա ઑ૒੄ ҳࢿਗ
             ೐ۨઃప੉࣌ਸ द੘
                              ٜ۽ ੉ܖযઉ ੓ח ҃਋ীח ੗ӝࣗѐܳ Ҷ੉ ӡѱ ೡ ೙ਃ হ੉ ੉ܴҗ ࠗࢲ
             ೡ ٸ ਬਊೠ ಁఢਸ
             ੊൤ࣁਃ             ഑਷ ࣗࣘӝҙ݅ рױ൤ ݈ೞݶ ؾפ׮  ੉ٸח  I’m ੉ܴ from ࠗࢲ ੷ח _ࠗ
                              ੄  ੉ܴ ੑפ׮   ಁఢ੉ ੗઱ ࢎਊؾפ׮

                                 ؀಴಴അ    As most of you already know, I am Susan Kim from
                                      the Marketing Department.
                                                      ৈ۞࠙  ؀׮ࣻо  ੉޷  ইद׮दೖ  ੷ח  ݃ா౴ࠗ  ࣻਖ਼  ӣੑפ׮

                              As some of you already know, I’m Lee Deahan from the Planning Department.
                              ੉޷ ইदח ٜ࠙ب ҅दѷ૑݅ ੷ח ӝദࠗ ੉؀ೠੑפ׮
                              For those of you who don’t know me, let me introduce myself. I’m Susan Kim.
                              ੷ܳ ݽܰदח ٜ࠙ਸ ਤ೧ ઁ ࣗѐܳ ೞѷणפ׮  ੷ח ࣻਖ਼ ӣੑפ׮
                              I think most of you know me already, but just in case you don’t remember, I’m
                              Susan Kim.
                              ৈ۞ٜ࠙ ؀׮ࣻо ੉޷ ੷ܳ ঌҊ ҅प ѢۄҊ ࢤп೤פ׮݅ ӝরਸ ޅೞप ࣻب ੓ਵפ ׮द ݈ॹܻ٘ભ  ੷ח
                              ࣻਖ਼ ӣੑפ׮
                                                                          ↟in case ~ _ೡ ҃਋ܳ ؀࠺೧ࢲ

                                ࢚ട 02    ୒઺੄ ؀ࠗ࠙੉ ߊ಴੗ܳ ݽܰҊ ੓ਸ ٸ

                              ݢ੷ ੗नਸ ࣗѐೞѷ׮ח ݈ਸ ೠ ׮਺ী ੉ܴਸ ݈ೞҊ ੗ࣁೠ ૒଼ਸ ࣗѐ೤
           ੗ӝࣗѐܳ ೠ׮Ҋ ա੉  Ҋೱ
           о઒ ҙ҅ ١ਸ ੢ടೞѱ טয
                                 ؀಴಴അ   Let me start by introducing myself.  ݢ੷  ઁ  ࣗѐܳ  ܻ٘ѷणפ׮
           ֬ח पࣻח ೞ૑ ঋب۾ ೤द
           ׮  ੗ӝࣗѐח ੉ܴҗ ࠗࢲ  ૒
           ଼ ੿بݶ ୽࠙೤פ׮
                              Let me start by saying just a few words about myself.
                              ੷ী ؀೧ ݻ ݃٣ ೞݶࢲ द੘ೞѷणפ׮
                              Let me just start off  by introducing myself.
                              ઁ ࣗѐܳ ೞݶࢲ द੘ೞѷणפ׮
                              Let me tell you who I am fi rst.
                              ݢ੷ ઁо ־ҳੋ૑ ݈ॹܻ٘ભ

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