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࢚ട 03    Ѻधਸ ର۰ ੿઺ೞѱ ੋࢎೡ ٸ

                              ৻ࠗ ੋࢎա Ҋਤ рࠗо ଵࢳೠ ೐ۨઃప੉࣌ীࢲח ખ ؊ ੿઺ೞҊ Ѻध ੓ח
                              ੋࢎ݈ਸ ࢎਊೞח Ѫ੉ જणפ׮

                                 ؀಴಴അ   It’s my pleasure to be here today.
                                                                   য়ט  ੉  ੗ܻী  ଵࢳೞѱ  غয  ӝࢅפ׮.

                              It’s my pleasure to give this presentation today.
                              য়ט ੉ ೐ۨઃప੉࣌ਸ ೞѱ غয ӝࢅפ׮
                              It’s my pleasure to be able to speak in front of you all.
                              ৈ۞ٜ࠙ খীࢲ ੉ঠӝೡ ࣻ ੓ѱ غয ӝࢅפ׮
                              It’s my honor to be here with you.
                              ৈ۞࠙җ ೣԋೞѱ غয ৔ҟੑפ׮
                                                                     ↟give a presentation ೐ۨઃప੉࣌ਸ ೞ׮

                                 ؀಴಴അ   How nice to be here with you all!
                                                           ৈ۞࠙  ݽف৬  ੉  ੗ܻী  ೣԋೞѱ  غয ੿݈  ӝࢅפ׮

                              How great to see you all!
                              ৈ۞࠙ ݽف ࠔѱ غয ੿݈ ӝࢅפ׮
                              What a great chance to meet you all!
                              ৈ۞࠙ ݽفܳ ݅զ જ਷ ӝഥܳ ыѱ غয ӝࢅפ׮
                              What a wonderful opportunity to give a presentation today!
                              য়ט ೐ۨઃప੉࣌ਸ ೡ ӝഥܳ ыѱ غয ੿݈ ӝࢅפ׮

                                 ؀಴಴അ    Thank you for giving me this opportunity to present
                                      this issue.             ੉  উѤਸ  ߊ಴ೡ  ੉۠ ӝഥܳ  ઱࣊ࢲ  хࢎ೤פ׮.

                              Thank you for granting me this presentation opportunity.
                              ੉ ೐ۨઃప੉࣌ ӝഥܳ ೲۅ೧ ઱࣊ࢲ хࢎ೤פ׮
                              Thank you all for letting me talk here tonight.
                              য়טߎ ੷ীѱ ੉ ੗ܻীࢲ ߊ಴ೡ ӝഥܳ ઱࣊ࢲ ݽف хࢎ٘݀פ׮
                                                                  ↟grant  ઱۽ ҕध੸hߨ੸ਵ۽  थੋೞ׮  ೲۅೞ׮

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