Page 20 -
P. 20

Dialogue  A  I recognize you from somewhere.   য٣ࢶо ׼नਸ ࠄ Ѫ эইਃ
                          B  I feel the same. I’m trying to remember, but I can’t.
                                                        ੷بਃ  ӝর੉ զ ٠ೞݶࢲ উ ա֎ਃ

                        ઁо ইח ࠙ э਷ؘਃ
                        Don’t I know you?
                        TIP !   rઁо ׼नਸ ঌ૑ ঋաਃ sۄח ڷਵ۽  য٣ࢲ ࠄ ٠ೠؘ ഛपೞ૑ ঋਸ ٸ ࢚؀ߑীѱ ׮ооࢲ r਋
                        ܻ ইח ࢎ੉ ইצоਃ s੄ ڷਵ۽ ॶ ࣻ ੓णפ׮
                        I think I know you.
                        I think we’ve been acquainted.
                        Do I know you?
                        TIP !   r੷ܳ ইࣁਃ sۄח ੄޷۽  ੜ ݽܰח ־ҵоо աীѱ ইח ୓ܳ ೡ ٸ ॶ ࣻ ੓ח ಴അ੉ীਃ
                       Dialogue  A  When did you come back from the States?   ঱ઁ ޷Ҵীࢲ جইৡ Ѣঠ
                          B  Excuse me. Do I know you?
                                                               प۹૑݅  ੷ܳ ইࣁਃ
                          A   Sorry. Got you confused with someone else. I thought you were my
                            friend.           દ࣠೤פ׮  ׮ܲ ࢎۈೞҊ ଱п೮֎ਃ  ઁ ஘ҳੋ ઴ ঌওযਃ

                        ੷ ӝরೞࣁਃ
                        Do you remember me?
                        Can you remember me?
                        Remember me?
                       Dialogue  A  I know it’s been a long time, but do you remember me?

                                                         ખ ೠଵ غӟ ೮૑݅  ੷ ӝরೞࣁਃ
                          B  I do! We met at Angela’s party, right?   Ӓۢਃ  উ઄ۄ੄ ౵౭ীࢲ ݅լભ
                        ׼नੋ ઴ ঌওযਃ
                        I thought it was you.
                        TIP !   rցੋ ઴ ঌওחؘ  ইפ঻ҳա sۄח ڷਵ۽ ॳੌ ࣻب ੓যਃ
                        I knew it was you.
                        TIP !   r৉द ցੋ ઴ ঌওয sۄח ׊ঔझо ੓णפ׮
                        I was hoping it’d be you.
                        TIP !   rց੉ӡ ߄ۋয sۄח ੄޷ભ
                        I was right! It is you!
                       Dialogue  A  Did you go to the new shopping mall last week?

                                                        ց ૑դ઱ী ࢜۽ ࢤӟ ࣳೝށী щפ
                          B  Yeah, I went there with my mom.    ਽  ষ݃ی э੉ щয
                          A  I thought it was you.                 ցੋ Ѫ э؊ۄ

                        ࢎۈਸ ੜޅ ࠁन Ѫ эইਃ
                        You’ve got the wrong person.

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