Page 19 -
P. 19

Dialogue  A  You seem to be in a hurry.   ց ޖट әೠ ੌ ੓ח Ѫ э׮
                              B  Actually I am.
                                                                       ࢎप ખ ә೧
                              A  Where are you headed? I can give you a ride.   য٣ оחؘ  ղо కਕ ઴ѱ   PART 1 ] ݅թҗ ੋࢎ
                            ૑Ә ഥࢎী ੓ਸ दр ইפীਃ
                            Shouldn’t you be at work right now?
                            Aren’t you supposed to be at work right now?           Ü 1  ੋࢎೞӝ
                                                         be supposed to _ೞӝ۽ غয ੓׮  _೧ঠ ೠ׮
                            Why aren’t you at work?
                            What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be at work.
                           Dialogue  A  Shouldn’t you be at work? Today’s not a holiday, is it?

                                                      ഥࢎী ੓ਸ दр ইפפ  য়ט एח զ੉ ইפਗ਼ই
                              B  I called in sick.                 ই౵ࢲ ޅ р׮Ҋ ೮য
                                                                  call in sick ੹ച۽ ߽оܳ ղ׮

                            ਋ܻ ੹ী ݅դ ੸ ੓૑ ঋաਃ
              կ੊਷ ࢎۈ
                            Have we met before?
              ਸ ݅լਸ ٸ
                            Haven’t we met before?
                            I think we met before.
                           Dialogue  A  By the way, haven’t we met before?   Ӓؘ۠ ਋ܻ ੹ী ݅դ ੸ ੓૑ ঋաਃ
                              B  I’m not sure. I can’t seem to recall.
                                                               Ӗ्ਃ  ੜ ӝর੉ ա૑ ঋחؘਃ

                            ഑द झ޷झ ॿ ইפীਃ
                            Are you Mr. Smith by any chance?          by any chance ഑द
                            You’re Mr. Smith, right?
                            You must be Mr. Smith.
                            TIP !   ৈӝࢲ mustח r୶੿sਸ աఋղҊ ੓णפ׮
                           Dialogue  A  You’re Joanne, right?     ݏחؘਃ  যڌѱ ই࣑যਃ
                                                                       ց ઑঙ੉૑
                              B  Yes, I am. How did you know that?
                              A  We went to the same high school.    ਋ܻ э਷ Ҋ١೟Ү ׮֝ਗ਼ই

                            ׼न ҭ੢൤ կ੉ ੊যਃ
                            You look familiar.
                            I recognize you from somewhere.
                            TIP !   r࠙ݺ൤ য٣ࢶо ࠄ ঴ҷ੉ীਃ sۄח ੄޷۽  য٣ࢶо ݅դ Ѫ э਷ؘ ഛपೞѱ ӝরա૑ ঋਸ ٸ ॶ
                            ࣻ ੓ח ಴അ੉ীਃ
                            I think I saw you somewhere.

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