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                1           ੋࢎೞӝ                                           01-2.mp301-1.mp3  PART 1 ] ݅թҗ ੋࢎ

                            Hi.                                                    Ü 1  ੋࢎೞӝ
              ݅լਸ ٸ
                            Hi, there.
                            TIP !   Hello.   Hi.ࠁ׮ ஘Ӕೠ ו՝  thereܳ rѢӝsۄҊ ೧ࢳೞ૑ ঋইਃ
                            Hey!  I
                            Yo!  S
                            TIP !   ઱۽ ੻਷੉ٜ ࢎ੉ী rঠs ੿ب੄ ڷਵ۽ ॳ੉ח ੋࢎ݈੉ীਃ
                            Howdy!  I
                            TIP !   ࠺Ѻध੸ੋ ಴അਵ۽ ਬݠझ۞਍ ו՝ੑפ׮ a
                            Good morning.
                            Good afternoon.
                            Good evening.

                            Long time no see.  I
              ݅լਸ ٸ
                            It’s been a long time.
                            It’s been a while.
                            I haven’t seen you in ages!
                            I haven’t seen you for a while.
                           Dialogue  A  My goodness. I haven’t seen you in ages.   Ӓ۞֎  ೠ ׳ زউ য٣ ખ щ঻Ѣٚ
                                                                    যݠա  য়ے݅੉ҳա
                              B  Yes. I was out of town for a month.

                            ੉ѱ ঴݃ ݅੉ભ
                            How long has it been?
                            When was the last time we’ve seen each other?
                            For how long haven’t we seen each other?
                            ೞաب উ ߸೮֎ਃ
                            You haven’t changed a bit.
                            You are still the same.
                            You look the same.

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