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In 1940, the United States produced rough-  1940֙ ୍ъ ࢤ࢑ীࢲ ޷Ҵ਷ ੌࠄ੄ ড
            ly 10 times as much steel as Japan did, and   10ߓ৓Ҋ, ੹੬੉ ૓೯غח زউীח Ӓ
            during the war the difference grew further.  Ѻରо ؊ ߥয઎׮.
            –  Numbers Don’t Lie, Vaclav Smil
                                               –   ~ं੗ח যڌѱ ૓पਸ ݈ೞחо,
                                                ߄஑ۄ೐ झ޻ (ੋޙ/Үন/ా҅)

                     rӝࣻ ഋਊࢎ + times as ~ as jsח jী ؀ೠ ߓࣻܳ աఋղח
                     ಴അੑפ׮. ৈӝীࢲ ӝࣻ ഋਊࢎ੄ ਤ஖ীח ࠺ೠ੿੸ ೠ੿
                     ࢎী ࣘೞח ױযٜ, ৘ஶ؀ half, several, many ١੉ ॳੌ ࣻ
                     ੓णפ׮.(Ü ҙࢎ৬ ೠ੿ࢎ)  ژ ف as ࢎ੉ীח ഋਊࢎա rഋ
                     ਊࢎ + ݺࢎsо ॳ੉ݴ, Ӓ ل ઺ যו ଃ੉ ࢎਊغח૑ח খ੄
                     زࢎী ੄೧ Ѿ੿ؾפ׮. ਤ੄ ୐ ߣ૩ ৘ীࢲח زࢎ beо ॳ
                     ৓ਵ޲۽ ࠁয۽ ഋਊࢎܳ ஂೠ Ѫ੉Ҋ, ف ߣ૩ ৘ীࢲח ز
                     ࢎо ݾ੸যܳ ਃҳೞח produce੉޲۽ rmuch steels੉ۆ ݺ
                     ࢎҳо ॳੋ Ѫੑפ׮.
                        Ӓؘ۠ ٸ۽ח ׮਺੄ ҃਋୊ۢ ّࠗ࠙੄ as jо Ѯਵ۽
                     ٘۞ա૑ ঋח ҃਋о ੓णפ׮.

            (1) The difference is impressive, with France   ೐یझ৬ ੌࠄ੄ ੌੋ׼ ীց૑ ࢎਊ۝਷
            or Japan using nearly five times as much en-  Ѣ੄ 5ߓ੿بৈࢲ Ӓ ର੉ب ޖୋ ௼૑݅,
            ergy per capita, but the historical comparison   ৉ࢎ੸ ҙ੼ীࢲ ࠺Ү೧ࠁݶ Ӓ рѺ੉
            illuminates the real size of the gap.
            –  Numbers Don’t Lie, Vaclav Smil  ഻ঁ पхաѱ ৬׿ח׮.
                                               –   ~ं੗ח যڌѱ ૓पਸ ݈ೞחо,
                                                ߄஑ۄ೐ झ޻ (ੋޙ/Үন/ా҅)

            (2) Turbine power increases with the square   ఠ࠼੄ ୹۱਷ զѐ੄ ӡ੉ী ೧׼ೞח
            of the radius swept by its blades: a turbine   ߈૑ܴ੄ ઁғਵ۽ ૐоೠ׮. զѐ੄
            with blades twice as long would, theoretically,   ӡ੉о ف ߓ۽ ૐоೞݶ, ੸যب
            be four times as powerful.
            –  Numbers Don’t Lie, Vaclav Smil  ੉ۿ੸ਵ۽ח ఠ࠼੄ ୹۱੉ 4ߓ۽
                                               ૐоೠ׮ח ڷ੉׮.
                                               –   ~ं੗ח যڌѱ ૓पਸ ݈ೞחо,
                                                ߄஑ۄ೐ झ޻ (ੋޙ/Үন/ా҅)

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