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Is the office finished?  302
                                                   ࢎޖप਷ ՘լחо?

                                            Slackers and Stakhanovites  320
                                                      ѐ޷৬ ߬૨੉

                            Bubble-hunting has become more art than science  336
                         ߡ࠶(Bubble) ୶੸਷ җ೟੉ӝࠁ׮ח ରۄܻ ӝ৘ী оӰ׮

                                           Bob Iger, king of Disneyland  354
                                              ߏ ই੉Ѣ, ٣ૉפے٘੄ ৴

                               Telegram tries to blend security with usability  376
                              ࠁউҗ ࢎਊ੗ ಞ੄ࢿਸ ઑ೤ೞ۰ח భۨӒ۔੄ ࠙ై

                              How Inditex is refashioning its business model  396
                                       ࠺ૉפझ ݽ؛ਸ ߄Բח ઺ੋ ੋ٣ఫझ

                                How Satya Nadella turned Microsoft around  422
                                   ࢎ౭ই ա؛ۄ৬ ݃੉௼۽ࣗ೐౟੄ प੸ ഐ੹

                       Google’s problems are bigger than just the antitrust case  466
                          ҳӖ੉ ೧Ѿ೧ঠ ೡ җઁо ߈ة੼ ࣗ࣠ ੉࢚ਵ۽ ഻ঁ ݆׮

                The cult of an Elon Musk or a Jack Ma has its perks—but also perils  512
                    ৃۿ ݠझ௼৬ ݃ਦ ୶ઙীח աܴ੄ ੉੼ب ੓૑݅ ೧ঈب ઓ੤ೠ׮

                       Messaging services are providing a more private internet  536
                         ݫद૚ ࢲ࠺झٜ੉ ੼੼ ؊ ࢎ੸ੋ ੋఠ֔ਵ۽ ૓ചೞҊ ੓׮
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