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The pandemic has shown that Amazon is essential—but vulnerable  16
         ಃؘ޸ਵ۽ ই݃ઓ੉ ݒ਋ ઺ਃೞ׮ח ѱ ٘۞լ׮, زदী ݒ਋ ஂডೞ׮ח Ѫب.

                                          The buzz around AirPods  40
                                                  ਋റલࣽ ীয౽

                               Can Zoom be trusted with users’ secrets?  64
                                        ષ੄ ࢎਊ੗ ࠁউਸ ޺যب ؼө?

                       A new AI language model generates poetry and prose  84
             ࢜۽ ѐߊػ ੋҕ ૑מ ঱য ݽഋਸ ࢎਊೞݶ दب, ࢑ޙب ׮ ࢤ࢑ೡ ࣻ ੓׮

                What open-source culture can teach tech titans and their critics  104
           Ѣ؀ ӝࣿ ӝস਷ ޛۿ੉Ҋ ੉ٜ੄ ࠺౸੗ٜب য়೑ ࣗझ ޙചীࢲ ߓ਎ ѱ ੓׮

          Can Reed Hastings preserve Netflix’s culture of innovation as it grows?  126
               ܻ٘ ೻੉झ౴झо ֔೒ܼझ੄ ഄन ӝೂਸ ҅ࣘ೧ࢲ ૑ெյ ࣻ ੓ਸө?

                                    Are data more like oil or sunlight?  160
                                           ؘ੉ఠ, ӝܴੋо ೭ࡄੋо?

                    Wikipedia is 20, and its reputation has never been higher  200
                         ਤఃೖ٣ই, झޖ ࢓੉Ҋ അ੤ ୭Ҋ੄ ݺࢿਸ ҳо ઺੉׮

                              Social media’s struggle with self-censorship  240
                                             ࣗ࣍ ޷٣য੄ ੗о Ѩৌ

                                   How Princess Diana shaped politics  278
                         ׮੉গց ৴ࣁ੗࠺ח ৔Ҵ੄ ੿஖ܳ যڌѱ ߄Բ঻חо?
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