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P. 11

Comprehension Checkup
                                       Comprehension Checkup

                  A  Circle the best answer.

                    1.  How do vibrations move?
                        a  only once                b  very slowly              c  back and forth

                    2.  Vibrations        the eardrums in our ears.

                        a  reach                    b  pluck                    c  recognize

                    3.  What recognizes the sound?

                        a  the string               b  the brain                c  the eardrum

                    4. We hear sounds like music and        the same way.
                        a  ears                     b  voices                   c  information

                  B  Complete the sentence.

                       All sounds are                         , and our brain recognizes them.

                Wrap Up
                Wrap Up           Number the sentences in order.

                                   1     We pluck a guitar string.

                                         The sound waves reach our ears.

                                         The brain recognizes the sound.

                                         A vibration occurs and it makes sound waves.

                                         The sound waves send the information to the brain.


                                                                                                            2020. 12. 22.   오후 2:14
     미국교과서리딩_1권본문(6).indd   15
     미국교과서리딩_1권본문(6).indd   15                                                               2020. 12. 22.   오후 2:14
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