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                 To :       undisclosed-recipients
                 From :
                 Date :     September 1
                 Subject :   Payment Policy

                  Dear Writers,

                  We are changing our process for paying our freelance writers for their articles. Rather
                  than issuing a payment for each article, we will make payments only once a month.
                  I know this may be an inconvenience. However, it has become too time-consuming
                  to process individual invoices each week. Starting now, do not submit an invoice for
                  each article you write. 1. -------, please submit one itemized invoice each month for
                  all articles written during that month. Please sign the attached form and return it to
                  me by Friday, September 7.

                  2. -------. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
                  Robert Sheehan, Human Resources Max Media                                  ▲

              1.  (A) In that case                      2.  (A)  This is necessary because we want to
                 (B) Instead                                   make sure that you agree to our new
                 (C) Based on that                             process.
                 (D) Likewise                               (B) Articles will be reviewed by our
                                                               editorial team.
                                                            (C) Your payment will be remitted
                                                               immediately after you submit your
                                                            (D) There are some small details that have
                                                               been overlooked.

                                                                              ▶ 정답 및 해설은 해설집 105쪽 참고

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