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전략  3 대입                                 전략  1 대입  고난도!                             Unit 01
                    09.  Assembly workers are required to have   13.  ------- for taking time off from work
                       their eyes ------- checked at the        should be submitted to the appropriate
                       in-house clinic.                         department no later than 4 each Friday.

                       (A) regularly                            (A) Requested
                       (B) regular                              (B) Requests
                       (C) regulates                            (C) Requesting
                       (D) regulate                             (D) To request

                     전략  3 대입                                 전략  1 대입  고난도!
                    10.  You are supposed to file your complaint   14.  Only security personnel with a valid
                       ------- with the Customer Service        pass will be allowed ------- to the
                       Department, not the Marketing            off-limits area.
                                                                (A) access
                       (A) directly                             (B) is accessed
                       (B) directness                           (C) accessed
                       (C) directs                              (D) to access
                       (D) direct

                                                             전략  3 대입  고난도!
                                                             15.  The interns these days seem to work
                     전략  2 대입
                    11.  You can download the ------- version of   more ------- than the ones those days.
                       our software once you get the access     (A) most efficient
                       code from us.
                                                                (B) efficiency
                       (A) correction                           (C) efficient
                       (B) correcting                           (D) efficiently
                       (C) correct
                       (D) correctly
                                                             전략  2 대입
                                                             16.  Residents of Jacksonville do not
                     전략  3 대입                                   consider it ------- for tourists to wear
                    12.  The team’s efforts to fulfill bulk orders   casual clothing when they visit the
                       on time were ------- received by its     town’s historic temples.
                       many customers.
                                                                (A) appropriateness
                       (A) positive                             (B) appropriately
                       (B) positively                           (C) appropriation
                       (C) positivity                           (D) appropriate
                       (D) positiveness

                                                                                      ▶ 정답 및 해석 5페이지

                                                                                Unit 01_ 명사 / 형용사 / 부사 자리   63

     시나공토익_기본서_RC_파트56_최종_1119.indd   63                                                       2018. 11. 19.   오후 3:34
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