Page 19 - 스피킹 매트릭스 직장인을 위한 3분 영어 말하기 - 미리보기
P. 19

Day 01    What is a good attitude to have towards work as a professional?
                           직장인의 기본적인 업무 태도는?                                 ▶ p.150
                  You shouldn’t let your work pile up. If you let your work pile up, you will fail to handle all
                  of it. You should take care of not only your regular work but also your urgent tasks that
                  you are dealing with at the moment. You need to be on top of your workload so you
                  don’t fall behind. You never know when you might find yourself busy with something
                  else. Your work will especially pile up after a big event or after many meetings. You will
                  never be able to catch up on all of your work after a business trip. It is a good idea to
                  tackle some of your work ahead of any business trip.
                  I think that you have to make a real effort to come up with solutions to problems. You
                  might have difficulty coming up with solutions at first, but you can do it with enough
                  effort. You can’t just sit there passively waiting for problems to be solved. One must
                  actively engage in problem-solving. The quicker you work on it, the quicker a solution
                  will be found. It is also good to work with others on it. They can be a big help and give
                  you a different perspective on the issue at hand. With more than one suggestion, it is
                  much easier to get problems solved.
                  There is one skill that is greater than any other skill: having a responsible attitude at
                  work. This will help allow others to have a more favorable perception of you, and in
                  turn you will gain their trust. If you are responsible with your own duties, you will grow
                  professionally. A sense of responsibility secures the quality of one’s work. You should try
                  to focus on the essentials of your job. This is the main way in which professionals grow
                  their skills. People that are responsible for their work go far in their profession.

                   Day 02    How can you persuade others?  다른 사람을 설득하려면?     ▶ p.154

                  It’s a waste of time to argue with others at work. It’s more advantageous to find common
                  ground with them. If you are persistent with your own opinion, you won’t accomplish
                  anything. It can also lead to verbal arguments, and fighting in the workplace is not
                  productive at all. It is good to make others feel that you’re on the same side as them.
                  If you do this, it will help them understand the conditions you are facing better. Rather
                  than forcing others to accept your idea, you should concentrate on finding some middle
                  ground. So, instead of trying to persuade someone else, you should try to gain their
                  You have to learn to listen to your partner when having a discussion. The attitude you

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