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                2            ޙ੢੄ ҳࢿ ࢿ࠙

           A   ઱ࠗ৬ ࣿࠗ

             ઱ࠗ  ઱যܳ ઺बਵ۽ ޙ੢੄ ઱୓о غח ࠗ࠙                                               Ü৔যח ਋ܻ݈җ ׳ܻ ઱ࠗ৬
                                                                                      ࣿࠗо ы୶যઉ ੓যঠ ೠ׮
             ࣿࠗ  زࢎܳ ઺बਵ۽ ઱ࠗܳ ࢸݺ೧ ઱ח ࠗ࠙
                                                                                      He is drinking water   O
                                                                                      ઱ࠗ     ࣿࠗ
             This shop     is open on Sundays.  ੉ оѱח ੌਃੌ݃׮ ޙਸ ো׮
                                                                                      Is drinking water    X
                ઱ࠗ              ࣿࠗ
             A hungry wolf     is after three little pigs.  ߓҊ೑ ז؀о ࣁ ܻ݃੄ ࢜ՙ ظ૑ٜਸ ଊҊ ੓׮
                                                                                      Ü઱ࠗח r~਷[ח]  ~੉[о]s۽
                  ઱ࠗ                ࣿࠗ
                                                                                      ࣿࠗח r~ೞ׮  ~੉׮s۽ ೧ࢳػ׮
             A cow     gives us milk.  ࣗח ਋ܻীѱ ਋ਬܳ ઁҕೠ׮
              ઱ࠗ         ࣿࠗ

           B   ޙ੢੄ ਃࣗ

             ޙ੢ਸ ҳ࠙ೞח ӝળ੉ غח r઱য  زࢎ  ݾ੸য  ࠁযsܳ ޙ੢੄  ਃࣗ ઱ ਃࣗ ۄҊ                       Üޙ੢੄ ਃࣗ੄ ড੗
                                                                                      ઱য: S Subject
            ೞݴ  ੉  ਃࣗܳ ࣻधೞח ݈ਸ rࣻधযsۄҊ ೠ׮
                                                                                      زࢎ: V Verb
          1    ઱য    ز੘੉ա ࢚క੄ ઱୓ܳ աఋղח ݈۽  r਷  ח  ੉  оs۽ ೧ࢳػ׮  ઱ࠗ੄ ઺ब੉                ݾ੸য: O Object
                                                                                      ࠁয: C Complement
                 غח ݈੉ ઱য੉׮                                                           ࣻधয: M Modifier
             Some children make snowmen in the park.  ݻݻ ই੉ٜ੉ ҕਗীࢲ ׀ࢎۈਸ ݅ٚ׮

          2    زࢎ    ઱য੄ ز੘੉ա ࢚కܳ աఋղח ݈۽  r_੉׮  _ೞ׮s۽ ೧ࢳػ׮  ࣿࠗ੄ ઺ब੉
                 غח ݈੉ زࢎ੉׮
             My little brother is very cute.  ղ թزࢤ਷ ݒ਋ ӈ৐׮

             Tony and his mother went to a supermarket  5POZ৬ ষ݃ח गಌ݃௄ী щ׮

          3  ݾ੸য  زࢎ ٍী ৬ࢲ ز੘੄ ؀࢚੉ غח ݈۽  rਸ  ܳ  ীѱs۽ ೧ࢳػ׮

             I had bacon and eggs for breakfast.  աח ইஜਵ۽ ߬੉ஶҗ ׳ќਸ ݡ঻׮

          4    ࠁয   ઱য৬ زࢎ݅ਵ۽ ੄޷о ࠛ৮੹ೡ ٸ  ੄޷ܳ ࠁ୽ೞৈ ઱য ژח ݾ੸যܳ ࢸݺ                      Ü઱যܳ ࠁ୽ ࢸݺ೧ ઱ח ݈ਸ ઱
                                                                                      Ѻࠁয  ݾ੸যܳ ࠁ୽ ࢸݺ೧ ઱ח
                 ೧ ઱ח ݈੉׮
                                                                                      ݈ਸ ݾ੸ѺࠁযۄҊ ೠ׮
             This swimming pool is very deep.  ੉ ࣻ৔੢਷ ݒ਋ Ө׮                           This book is interesting
                                                                                       ઱Ѻࠁয  ੉ ଼਷ ੤޷੓׮
             My uncle is a firefighter.  ա੄ ࢖ୣ਷ ࣗߑҙ੉׮
                                                                                      I found this book
                                                                                      interesting    ݾ੸Ѻࠁয
          5  ࣻधয  ઱য  زࢎ  ݾ੸য  ࠁয ৻੄ ਃࣗ۽ ੉  ਃࣗܳ ࣻध೧ ળ׮                                աח ੉ ଼੉ ੤޷੓׮ח Ѫਸ ঌও׮
             Many children   are playing happily.  ݆਷ যܽ੉ٜ੉ ૌѩѱ ֥Ҋ ੓׮

             ࣻधয     ઱য        زࢎ       ࣻधয

          12   ]  ઺೟ ೙ࣻ ৔ޙߨ ޖ੘੿ ٮۄೞӝ
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