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                1             ಿࢎ

             ױযח ੄޷৬ ৉ೡী ٮۄ  о૑۽ ҳ࠙ೞחؘ  ੉Ѫਸ r ಿࢎsۄҊ ೠ׮                                Ü ಿࢎ੄ ড੗
                                                                                      ݺࢎ: n  noun
          1  ݺࢎ  ࢎۈ੉ա ࢎޛ੄ ੉ܴਸ աఋղח ݈੉׮                                                ؀ݺࢎ: pron  pronoun
                                                                                      زࢎ: v  verb
             book, shop, desk, boat, word, river, cat, rabbit, corn ١                 ഋਊࢎ: a  adjective
             Sally is reading a book.  4BMMZח ଼ਸ ੍Ҋ ੓׮                                ࠗࢎ: ad  adverb
                                                                                      ੹஖ࢎ: prep  preposition
          2  ؀ݺࢎ  ݺࢎ ؀न ॳ੉ח ݈੉׮                                                       ੽ࣘࢎ: conj  conjunction
                                                                                      х఍ࢎ: int  interjection
             I, you, he, she, it, they, this, that, one ١
             She practices the piano every day.  Ӓ֗ח ݒੌ ೖই֢ োणਸ ೠ׮

          3  زࢎ  ز੘җ ࢚కܳ աఋղח ݈੉׮
             have, study, run, fly, love, like, buy, read, be ١
             I have English class twice a week.  աח ੌ઱ੌী ف ߣ ৔য ࣻস੉ ੓׮
             David is my younger brother.  %BWJEח ղ թزࢤ੉׮

          4  ഋਊࢎ  ࢿ૕੉ա ࣻ۝ਸ աఋղݴ  ؀ ݺࢎܳ ࣻधೞח ݈੉׮                                       Üഋਊࢎח  ؀ ݺࢎ੄ ࢚కܳ
                                                                                      ࢸݺೞח ৉ೡਸ ೞӝب ೠ׮
             long, short, tall, red, pretty, kind, hungry ١
                                                                                      He is always busy
             A rabbit has long ears and red eyes.   MPOH਷ FBSTܳ  SFEח FZFTܳ ࣻध        Ӓח ೦࢚ ߄ࢁ׮
             షՙח ӟ ӈ৬ ࡈр ׀ਸ о૑Ҋ ੓׮

          5  ࠗࢎ  زࢎա ഋਊࢎܳ ࣻधೞח ݈੉׮
             very, well, easily, safely, suddenly, quickly ١
             You can easily find my house.   زࢎ GJOE ࣻध
             ցח ਋ܻ ૘ਸ औѱ ଺ਸ ࣻ ੓׮

             This spaghetti is very delicious.   ഋਊࢎ EFMJDJPVT ࣻध
             ੉ झ౵ѱ౭ח ই઱ ݍ੓׮

          6  ੹஖ࢎ     ؀ ݺࢎ খী ৬ࢲ ӒѪҗ ׮ܲ ױয৬੄ ҙ҅ दр  ੢ࣗ ١ ܳ աఋղח ݈੉׮                    Üэ਷ ױয ׮ܲ ৉ೡ:
                                                                                      ޙ੢ীࢲ੄ ॳ੐ী ٮۄ ಿࢎ৬ ڷ
             at, on, in, for, during, under, by, with, to ١
                                                                                      ੉ ׳ۄ૕ ࣻ ੓׮
             Ann had dinner at 7 p.m.   दр  "OO਷  दী ੷֘ धࢎܳ ೮׮                        She put a new hat on the
             My mom puts the vase on the table.   ੢ࣗ  ষ݃о Ԣ߽ਸ ఌ੗ ਤী ৢ۰֬ਵन׮            table    ੹஖ࢎ
                                                                                      Ӓ֗ח ఌ੗ ਤী ࢜ ݽ੗ܳ ֬ও׮
                                                                                      She put on a new hat    ࠗࢎ
          7  ੽ࣘࢎ  ױয৬ ױয  ҳ৬ ҳ ژח ੺җ ੺ਸ োѾ೧ ઱ח ݈੉׮                                    Ӓ֗ח ࢜ ݽ੗ܳ ो׮
             and, but, or, that, because, when, while, since ١
             He has curly hair and big eyes.  Ӓח ғठ ݠܻ৬ ௾ ׀ਸ о૑Ҋ ੓׮

          8  х఍ࢎ  ӝࢄ  ठ೓ ١੄ х੿ਸ աఋղח ݈੉׮                                              Ühurray  ݅ࣁ
             oh, ah, wow, hurray, oops, ouch ١                                        oops  ੉௼  ੉۠
                                                                                      ouch  ইঠ
             Oh! Look outside. It’s snowing.  য়  ߆ਸ ࠊ  ׀੉ য়Ҋ ੓য

          10   ]  ઺೟ ೙ࣻ ৔ޙߨ ޖ੘੿ ٮۄೞӝ
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