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Short Story
              2               Special Days in a Year

              There are special days in a year.

              I wrote my plans on the calendar.

              January first is New Year’s Day.

              I would like to write greeting cards.

              February fourteenth is Valentine’s Day.

              I would like to give chocolates to my friends.

              October thirty-first is Halloween.

              I would like to dress up like a ghost.

              December twenty-fifth is Christmas Day.

              I would like to open Christmas presents.

            য়ט੄    I would like to  .                            ܻ٬    1.  ૑ޙ ٛӝ
             ಁఢ                                                 о੉٘    2. ೠ ޙ੢ঀ ٮۄ ੍ӝ
                   rաח žೞҊ रযਃ sۄҊ ೧ࢳ೧ਃ                                3. झझ۽ ੍ӝ

           14  ӝ੸੄ ৔যܻ٬   ↟#PPL
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