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P. 4

Quiz  Unit

               1              Things in Our House

                      There are many things in our house.

                      They are all needed in our lives.

                      Can you guess what these are?

                      It helps us cool our house.

                                                                      An air conditioner.

                      It helps us sit and rest.

                                                                                      A sofa.

                      It helps us see in the dark.

                                                                                     A lamp.

                      It helps us store our clothes.

                                                                                    A closet.

                                                  Wow! There are so many useful

                                                                   things in our house.

            য়ט੄    It helps us  .                                ܻ٬    1.  ૑ޙ ٛӝ
             ಁఢ                                                 о੉٘    2. ೠ ޙ੢ঀ ٮۄ ੍ӝ
                   rӒѪ਷ ਋ܻо žೞח Ѫਸ ب৬઻ਃ sۄҊ ೧ࢳ೧ਃ                       3. झझ۽ ੍ӝ

           10  ӝ੸੄ ৔যܻ٬   ↟#PPL
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