Page 18 -
P. 18


              C  Read again and write the correct words.

                                                 Amy, My Friend

                    Amy, my friend.

                    Kind and smart.

                    Amy is                     and                    .

                    She can be my                              on Monday.

                    She can be my                        on                    .

                    She can be my father on                                .

                    She can be my mother on Friday.

                    She can be my                              on                      . .

                    Amy, my friend.

                    I                  her so much!

                                                        Word Bank
                         smart       love       Wednesday       big sister       kind

                           best friend       Tuesday       Saturday       teacher

                                                                                                     8PSLCPPL 5
   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21